Defibrillatorsa defibrillator is a medical device that is used to deliver an electrical shock to the heart(Tacker, 1988). the shock is intended to, that"s right irregular electrical activity of the heartand to establish an organized rhythm. a shock of adequate power and duration will causethe cells of the heart to simultaneously repolarize and allow a normal rhythm to return.the defibrillator uses a capacitor to store the required energy, measured in joules (i. e.watts per second), to deliver the shock. a discount to the power supply charges the capacitorselected energy level.Electrodes are used to deliver the electrical shock to the patient. include Electrode typesreusable paddles and adhesive electrodes. External defibrillation is applied to the chest ofthe patient with external electrodes or paddles. An internal paddle set is used when defibrillationis delivered directly to the heart. Factors governing the set - up and performanceof a defibrillator include patient impedance, energy waveform shape, and electrode typeand placement.Most defibrillators are designed with technology to monitor the patient "s ECG signaland allow for synchronized cardioversion. Synchronized cardioversion is the delivery ofenergy to the heart during ventricular depolarization, or upon the detection of the QRS
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