1) 각 사업연도 예산운용지침에 의거 비용을 통제가) 예산운용 계획수립  - 예산배정을 정기배정, 자동배정, 기타배정으로 구분 번역 - 1) 각 사업연도 예산운용지침에 의거 비용을 통제가) 예산운용 계획수립  - 예산배정을 정기배정, 자동배정, 기타배정으로 구분 영어 말하는 방법

1) 각 사업연도 예산운용지침에 의거 비용을 통제가) 예산운용

1) 각 사업연도 예산운용지침에 의거 비용을 통제
가) 예산운용 계획수립
- 예산배정을 정기배정, 자동배정, 기타배정으로 구분하여 예산배정계획 수립
나) 예산 배정 시기 통제
- 매월 초와 17일 2회 배정 원칙
다) 예산 지급 기준 변경 통제
- 지급기준을 변경하고자 하는 경우 예산관리책임자와 사전협의 하여야 함
라) 분기별 예산 집행실적 분석
- 예산관리자는 배정예산에 대해 월별 집행계획 수립 및 집행실적 분석을 하여
배정예산이 효율적으로 집행되도록 함
- 분석결과 예산초과집행 예상 시 원인분석 및 절감방안 수립

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
1) each fiscal year pursuant to the operational guidelines, cost control and budgetPlanning your budget management) -Budget allocation of regular assignments, assignments, separated by an automatic placement, and other budget allocation planI controlled the budget allocation times)-2 times a month and 17 days assignment principleChange the threshold control budget)-If you want to change the criteria for payment of budget management officer and must be prearrangedLa) quarterly budget performance analysis-The budget Manager is enforcement of the budget earmarked for monthly planning and execution performance analysis Assignment, in order to ensure efficient enforcement budget.-Analysis of the budget enforcement picks: cause analysis and reduction plan 
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]

1) Each fiscal year the cost to the budget under control operating instructions
a) establish operational budget plan
- the budget allocations assigned to regular, automatic assignment, separated by Other budgeting and planning assignment
b) Allocation timing control
- the beginning of each month and 17 days Twice allocation principles
c) budget payments based on change control
- if you want to change the payment standards and Budget Officer should be prior consultation
d) quarterly budget execution performance analysis
- Administrators monthly budget execution planning and execution performance against budget allocation by analyzing
the budget should be allocated to the effective enforcement
- results anticipated budget overrun during root cause analysis and establish savings plans

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
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1) each year on budget management guidelines to control costs back to top
A) operating budget planning to the top
- budget allocated to regular, automatic allocation, and other budget allocation by separating the planning to the top
I) back to top
- Monthly budget spending time control 17 seconds and two allocation principles. back to top
back to top
budget payment standard change control - payment standard to change the Budget Management should consult with the top
) back to top
quarterly budget execution performance analysis- Budget manager is assigned to the monthly budget execution performance analysis, planning and execution of the budget allocation to ensure that the efficient execution of top
- analysis of excess Expected budget cut, analysis and establishment of top
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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