ChairmansMessage l CEO John LiThe Team.J Co., Ltd. is a global real es 번역 - ChairmansMessage l CEO John LiThe Team.J Co., Ltd. is a global real es 영어 말하는 방법

ChairmansMessage l CEO John LiThe T

l CEO John Li

The Team.J Co., Ltd. is a global real estate investment development company.
Our company is a residential and commercial real estate and themed and efficient real estate
For the development of market research, marketing planning, business management consultation, post
A comprehensive project management tasks.
팀제이는 주거 및 상업시설 부동산과 테마형 부동산의 효율적인
개발을 위해 시장조사, 마케팅기획, 사업 시행,사후관리 등 컨설팅과
사업관리업무를 종합적으로 수행하는 부동산 글로벌 투자유치 개
팀제이는 세계 시장경제의 변화하는 부동산 시장에서 앞선 노하우와
풍부한 경험을 가지고 창의적이고 진취적인 자세로 수요자의 취향과
소득, 인문적 특성 등을 관찰하고 시장의 동향을 감지함으로써 새로
운 상품을 발굴하며, 다양한 공급자와 협력관계로 사업의 진행 및
시행지원, 판매 대행 등을 종합적으로 수행하는 글로벌기업입니다.

사업의 성공을 최우선 명제로 하여 빠르게 변화하는 부동산 시장을
정확하게 분석, 예측하고 대비하여 언제나 고객 여러분과 함께 신뢰,
도전, 투명성을 가진 책임있는 부동산개발 및 투자유치 대행사로
성장해나갈 것을 약속드립니다.

Corporation name l
President l
capital l
the location l
The Team.J Co., Ltd.
John Lee (John Li)
305 million won
642-1 Namdong-gu, Incheon Nonhyun
John dienssi Co., Ltd. (
Betty Hui Fatasil, John Lee
$ 500,000 (USD 5 billion)
Philippines Subic Zambales provincial freedom gyeongjecheong C-5A block
The Company l
President l
Now the gold l
Material support l
Timjeyi (around Taishan ssiaendi) Groups
Betty Hui Fatah Room
642-1 Namdong-gu, Incheon Nonhyun
Company Name l
President l
Material support l
约翰 · 房地產 投資 有限公司 John & REITs Investment Ltd.
John Lee (John Li)
1 billion won
Company Name l
법 인 명 ㅣ
대표이사 ㅣ
자 본 금 ㅣ
소 재 지 ㅣ
주식회사 팀제이
존 리(John Li)
3억 5백만 원
인천광역시 남동구 논현동 642-1
존디엔씨 주식회사(
베티후이파타실, 존 리
50만불(한화 약 5억 원)
필리핀 잠발레스주정부 수빅자유경제청 C-5A 블럭
본 사 ㅣ
대표이사 ㅣ
자 본 금 ㅣ
소 재 지 ㅣ
팀제이(전 태산씨앤디) 그룹
인천광역시 남동구 논현동 642-1
회 사 명 ㅣ
대표이사 ㅣ
소 재 지 ㅣ
约翰·房地產投資有限公司 John & REITs Investment Ltd.
존 리(John Li)
10억 원
회 사 명 ㅣ
총 경 리 ㅣ
자 본 금 ㅣ
소 재 지 ㅣ
신아이리스 주식회사
박 기 영
2억 원
회 사 명 ㅣ
대표이사 ㅣ
자 본 금 ㅣ
팀제이는 풍부한 경험과 끊임없는 노력으로 고객과 함께
성공의 미소를 나눌 수 있는 준비된 기업입니다.
Team J
Global Group
John Li
前 SK생명 여신팀 근무
前 콤코 구조조정 회사(COMCO CRC) 임원
前 이후홀딩스 대표
現 John D&C 대표(필리핀)
現 John & Riest Investment LTD 대표(홍콩)
現 주식회사 Team J 대표(한국)
現 중국부동산상공회의소 홍콩지부 임원
現 인천시투자유치 시티스케이프 대행
現 인천상공회의소 강화산업단지 투자유치 대행
現 인천투자유치 경제연구소 수석연구원
現 스텔라마리나 호텔 대행사
인천광역시장 표창(14.11.25 )
Borad Mamber
Kim Cheol
우림건설 해외사업팀 팀장
우림건설 중국지사 지사장
우림개발 대표
팀제이 임원
임원 김 철
회계사 조 성 태
고문 전 문 융
Jeon Moon Yung
前 (주) 우광정보통신 전무
前 (주) 대동전자공업 전무
前 (주) 원남시스템 대표이사
前 (주) 시티그룹 도시공간 고문
現 주식회사 팀제이 고문
Cho Seongtae
마케팅 부서 임원진
Marketing Team
한국공인회계사, 세무사
기업금융과 M&A 저자
前 삼일회계법인 근무
前 대주회계법인 근무
前 우리회계법인 근무
前 학교법인 광운학원 강사
現 주식회사 팀제이 회계사
금융자문위원 우 호 석
Financial Adviser
Woo Hoseok
前 농협중앙회 근무(11년)
前 경기은행 근무(18년)
前 인천 가좌동. 수원 영화동.
성남 중앙지점장 역임
前 인천시 장애인 농구협회장 봉사(6년)
前 청운대학교 산업대학교 외래교수 역임
前 부동산개발전문가 자격증 보유(국토해양부)
現 동성오에이 18년 운영중
現 주식회사 팀제이 금융자문위원
부사장 우 병 택
관리이사 박 기 영
영업부 총괄이사 성 기 섭
영업부 제 1 본부장 안 형 삼
영업부 제 2 본부장 김 현 규
영업부 제 3 본부장 오 유 진
하나를 위해 열을 준비하는 회사
철저한 연구, 조사와 풍부한 실무경험을 갖춘 각 부문별 전문인력과 기업 이윤의 극대화를 위하여
팀제이그룹이 가진 노하우로 부동산 개발에서부터 기획조사, 분양 임대 및 사후 운영관리까지의 전 단계를
동시에 추구하는 종합 부동산 회사입니다.
전문적인 컨설팅과 조직적이고 체계적인 업무운영관리로 투자수익 창출의 극대화 및
합리적인 운영관리를 지향합니다.
및 고문
협력회사 기획조정실
분양사업부 기술부 관리부
개발사업부 조사기획실
F/S 분석팀
M/D 기획팀
주거 오피스
분양형 호텔
지하상가 개발
복합 터미널 개발
신도시 상업지역 개발
레져 테마파크
l 공동주택 분양대행 및 마케팅
l 오피스텔 분양대행 및 마케팅
l 오피스 분양대행 및 마케팅
l 시설 활성화 및 운영관리
l 상업시설 분양대행 및 마케팅
l 쇼핑몰 분양대행 및 마케팅
l 단지내 상가 분양대행 및 마케팅
개발사업을 성공으로 이끌 수 있도록 그 특성에 맞게 철저한 조사 연구를 통하여
최유효 개발방향을 수립하고, 잠재고객의 NEED를 분석하여 필요에 의한 충분요소를
채우는 적정개발 시기의 분석 및 의사결정.
입지여건 분석, 유동인구 조사, 주변여건 및 설문조사 등을 통한 1차 사업성 검토를
통하여 이를 토대로 종합적인 Feasibility 분석 및 실태 파악, Marketing 전략 및 사업계획
수립, 성곡적인 사업이 수행될 수 있도록 기본 Planning 및 전략을 수립.
실행단계에 있어서는 사업을 성공적으로 이끌기 위한 Marketing 전략이 일관성있고
지속적이며 체계적으로 유지될 수 있도록 핵심 사업 전략과 다각적 영업전략을 병행,
신속한 대응전략을 수립하여 실행.
Marketing Flow
컨설팅 및 방침 수립
분양 및 마케팅 전략
조직구성 및 투입 / 광고 및 홍보
목표분양율 달성 및 운영관리 체계 구축
프로젝트 대행계약 체결
상품 Image-up 작업
Marketing Research
리스트 작성
D/M 발송 및 T/M Out Bounding 실시
사업일정 공고 및 사업 개시
사업목표 점검 및 확인
입찰 및 계약
결과관리 및 분석
미판매분 2차 재판매
Project의 조기 성공적인 임무 수행
그랜드 OPEN 준비
- 사업전략 수립
- 홍보전략 수립
- 광고물 및
홍보물 제작
기존 DB 고객분류
광고전략 분석
계약 리스트 작성
미판매 전략 수립
Project Flow
Short Term
그랜드팰리스호텔 분양영업 대행 3개월 완판,
스텔라마리나호텔 분양영업 대행 2개월 완판
본부운영 팀제이, 대한민국 PM의 혁명
홍콩 부동산 투자그룹 Colliers International 부동산 투자유치 대행
영국 부동산투자그룹 Fraser & Co 부동산 투자유치 대행
상하이 VNU 국제박람회 국내 최초 참여, 부동산상품 판매대행
상하이 해외투자이민 Worldwizd 그룹 부동산 투자유치대행
2015년 인천CITYSCAPE 국제부동산박람회 공식대행사
주최 : 인천광역시,한국경제,영국INFOMA그룹
주관 : 시티스케이프 아시아 조직위원회
공식 대행사 : ㈜ 팀제이
호텔 그랜드 펠리스 송도 / 인천광역시 남동구 논현동 647-5
면적 828.2㎡ / 지하 3층, 지상 17층, 총 215실 / 용적율 794.65%
건축 및 연면적 521.71㎡, 6,651.11㎡
3개월 완판
in 2 MONTH
호텔 스텔라 마리나 / 인천광역시 남동구 논현동 642-1
건축면적 2,784.89㎡ / 지하 3층, 지상 27층, 총 380실 / 용적율 798.28%
2개월 완판
호텔 골드코스트 / 운영사 John & Reits / 인천광역시 남동구 논현동 645-8
건축면적 637.420㎡ / 지하 3층, 지상 15층, 총 96실 / 용적율 796.94%
현재 진행중
l 입주완료 / 2007.05 / A
말레이시아 신타사양 골프 & 스카이 레지던스
위치 : 말레이시아 케다주 신타사양
연면적 : 30,944.398㎡ / 건축면적 : 2,122.05㎡
규모 : 지하3층, 지상 18층 3개 동 312세대
용적율 : 204.36% / 건폐율 : 27.97%
입주시기 : 2010년 7월 입주 완료
l 투자유치 / 2010.05 / D
공동주택 개요 (개발중)
위치 : 서울시 구로구 오류동
대지면적 : 5,991㎡ / 연면적 : 65,494㎡
건축면적 : 2,122.05㎡
규모 : 지하 4층, 지상 21-28층 4개 동 276세대
l 상가 개요 (개발중)
분양면적 : 23,482㎡
엥커테넌트 : 농협 하나로마트(지하)
1층 : 근린시설(클리닉센터), 판매시설
특징 : 지상 2-5층 주차장
12년 하반기 착공
l 미분양분 투자유치 완료 / 2010.03 / C
고양시 원당 대림 e-편한세상
위치 :고양시 덕양구 성사동 869번지
용적율 : 277% / 건페율 : 18%
공급면적 : 전용 60㎡ -141㎡
단지규모 : 15-26층 1,036세대
입주시기 : 2010년 01월
l 미분양분 투자유치 완료 / 2011.06 / E
청주사직 대우푸르지오.롯데캐슬
위치 : 충북 청주시 흥덕구 사직동 658
건립규모 : 지상10-25층 41개동 3,599세대
일 반분양 978세대
분양 : 2008년 5월 / 입주 : 2010년 5월
시공사 : 대우건설, 롯데건설
l 투자유치 완료 / 2007.06 / B
두산 위브더스테이트 주상복합단지내상가
위치 : 경기도 원미구 중동 1106
규모 : 11개 동 1,740세대
점포 수 : 180점포
입주시기 : 2007년 9월 분양 완료
l 투자유치 대행 / 2012.02 / G
양주시 덕도리 농수산물 도매시장 신축공사
위치 :경기도 양주시 광적면 덕도리 산149일원
대지면적 : 159,900㎡
용도 : 시장.도축장 외 부대 및 편의, 도시계획시설
용도지역 : 관리지역.농림지역
l 투자유치 대행사 / 2012.02 / 부평역 지하상가 /F
위치 : 인천광역시 부평구 부평동 224-1
연면적 : 1,871 m2(점포154개)
건축면적 : 4,625.25 m2
건물용도 : 지하공공보도 및 상업시설(점포)
분양시기 : 2013년 상반기
l 미분양분 투자유치 완료 / 2013.09 / J
김포 한강신도시 대림e-편한세상
위치 : 경기도 김포시 한강신도시 AC-11BL
연면적 : 198,455.910 ㎡
세대수 : 954세대
입주예정 : 2012년 07월
l 미분양분 투자유치 완료 / 2012.04 / H
일산 식사동 벽산 위시티 블루밍
위치 : 경기도 고양시 일산동구 식사동 1510,1565
연면적 : 198,455.910 ㎡
세대수 : 3단지 1,435세대 / 5단지 915세대
입주시기 : 2010년 10월
l 투자유치 완료 / 2012.03 / I
중동 신도시 파크스위트 도시형생활주택
위치 :경기도 부천시 원미구 중동 1152번지
연면적 : 11,951.75 ㎡
세대수 : 1차138세대 / 2차80세대
건물용도 : 제1,2종근린생활,교육연구,도시형생활주택
입주시기 : 2012년10월
EB-S 50만 달러 / 5년 거주 시민권
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
ChairmansMessage l CEO John LiThe Team.J Co., Ltd. is a global real estate investment development company.Our company is a residential and commercial real estate and themed and efficient real estateFor the development of market research, marketing planning, business management consultation, postA comprehensive project management tasks.Team real estate residential and commercial facilities, and a themed estate's efficientFor the development of market research, marketing planning, business management consultation, postA comprehensive project management services performed to attract global investments out of the real estateVal company.=============================================Tim j. is the world's market economy to the changing real estate market in advanced know-how andHas extensive experience in creative and enterprising attitude of taste and the demandIncome, and observing the enemy attributes of Humanities market trends by newly detectedLuck items unearthed a variety of providers and partnership initiatives andEnforcement support, sales agency, is a global company to perform.Business success first and foremost the proposition by a rapidly changing real estate marketAccurately analyze, forecast and trust with you, the customerChallenge, transparency is responsible for real estate development and investment promotion with the AgencyPromises to continue to grow.ChairmansMessageCorporation name lPresident lcapital lthe location lThe Team.J Co., Ltd.John Lee (John Li)305 million won642-1 Namdong-gu, Incheon NonhyunJohn dienssi Co., Ltd. ( Hui Fatasil, John Lee$ 500,000 (USD 5 billion)Philippines Subic Zambales provincial freedom gyeongjecheong C-5A blockThe Company lPresident lNow the gold lMaterial support lTimjeyi (around Taishan ssiaendi) GroupsBetty Hui Fatah Room642-1 Namdong-gu, Incheon NonhyunCompany Name lPresident lMaterial support l约 翰 · 房 地 產 投 資 限 公, Mr. John & REITs Investment Ltd.John Lee (John Li)1 billion won194-204, JOHNSTON ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONGCompany Name l=======================================Legal persons ㅣCeo ㅣNow this gold lLocation lCo., Ltd. team j.John Lee (John Li)3 million USD642-1, nonhyun-Dong, namdong-gu, Incheon, KoreaJohn d & c co., Ltd. ( then Fatah, John Lee50 million USD (approx. 5 billion won of hanhwa)Republic of the Philippines Subic Zambales provincial C-5A contributed significantly to the administration blockThis private ㅣCeo ㅣNow this gold lLocation lTim j. (jeon Tae San and Mr. Andy) groupBetty then Fatah room642-1, nonhyun-Dong, namdong-gu, Incheon, KoreaCompany ¤óCeo ㅣLocation l房 地 產 投 資, 约 翰 限 公 and Mr. John & REITs Investment Ltd.John Lee (John Li)10 billion won194-204, JOHNSTON ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONGCompany ¤óTotal-Kyung Lee ㅣNow this gold lLocation lNew IRIS CorporationPark Ki-young2 billion wonCompany ¤óCeo ㅣNow this gold lTeam Jay rich experience and continuous effort with customers toBe prepared to share a smile of success.Team JGlobal GroupCEOJohn LiFormer SK life goddess team workingFormer com nose restructuring company (COMCO CRC) officersFormer representative since holdingsCurrent Representative John D&C (Republic of the Philippines)Currently John & Riest Investment represented (Hong Kong) LTDCurrently representing Team J co., Ltd. (Korea)Currently People's Republic of China real estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong Branch officers1996-present Incheon city cityscape for investment promotionStrengthen the industrial complex in Incheon area Chamber of Commerce, the present investment promotion agency1996-present Incheon investment and economic research Chief AnalystCurrently Stella Marina agenciesThe Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City (14.11.25)Borad MamberKim CheolRainforest construction overseas ManagerRainforest People's Republic of China Construction Branch Executive DirectorRain forest development representativeTim j. officersOfficer Kim ChulPublic accountant Jo Seong-TaeThe torture I Moon JungAdviserJeon Moon YungFormer Managing Director of optical information communications, Ltd. ()Former Managing Director of Datong electronic industry co., Ltd.Former Chief Executive Officer of the South system won the co., Ltd.Former city group co., Ltd & urban research AdvisorCurrently, Inc. team Jay AdvisorAccountantCho SeongtaeMarketing ExecutiveMarketing TeamSouth Korea, CPA, tax accountantCorporate finance and M&A the authorFormer PricewaterhouseCoopers workingFormer accounting firm working for the StateFormer us accounting firm workingFormer school corporate optical cloud school instructorCurrently, Inc. team Jay CPAFinancial Advisor, Wu Ho-SeokFinancial AdviserWoo HoseokFormer President, national agricultural cooperative Federation (11 years)Former Kyonggi Bank working (18 years)Former Dong, Incheon, Korea. Suwon movie.Seongnam served as the central point of the chapterFormer Incheon city disabled Basketball Association (6)Chungwoon University served as an adjunct professor at the University of of ex-industrialFormer real estate development specialist diploma (Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport)Currently, active gay ōei 18Currently, Inc. team Jay financial advisorsVice President Woo Byung-taekManaging Director Park Ki-youngDirector of sales General Manager joins the genitalsSales Director, Sam Ahn Hyung (1)Sales Director, no. 2 Kim Hyun-KyuYu Jin, the third General Manager in the Sales DepartmentOUTLINEl CONCEPT lTo prepare the company for one columnl POSITIONING lA thorough research, investigation and rich practical experience, professional personnel and each with sectoral enterprises in order to maximize profitThe team from developing the property as know-how with the Jay group syndicated research, sales to rental and operations management IAt the same time pursuing the comprehensive real estate company.l SUPPORT lProfessional consulting and methodical and systematic business management to maximize revenue and investmentReasonable management.OrganizationChartPresident & ceoAdvisory Board membersAnd tortureCollaboration company planning and Coordination OfficeSales Division ChiefSales business unit and Technology Management DivisionM/RDevelopment Research Planning OfficeThanksThe House of Commons business teamCommercial business teamThe complex developmentResearch planning teamF/S analysis teamThe marketing teamM/D planning teamOperations Management DepartmentAdvertising supportSales part 1 (apartment)Sales part 2 (commercial)General Affairs DepartmentTreasury Dept.SI teamThe design teamDesign analysis teamDevelopment&ConsultingHousing OfficeApartmentsCommercial complexOfficeOffice TelVilla trailCity complexThe complexMetropolitanThe House of CommonsShopping mallCinemaVenuesCommercial facilitiesMin Yang-type hotelUnderground developmentMin-ja history commercialComplex logistics centerComposite terminal developmentIntercity business district developmentLeisure theme parkGolf courseSki resortOnsen (hot springs)Silver townTourist hotelCondominiumConvention CenterL two rows, and the House of Commons, minutes of marketingL two rows and Marketing Office Tel minutesL two rows and a marketing office in minutesL facilities and operations managementL two rows and marketing commercial minutesL two rows, and the minute the Mall marketingL just two rows, and the downtown within minutes of marketingResearch&AnalysisPlanning&StrategyPerformance&ControlDevelopment projects can lead to success and that means a thorough investigation and research inTo establish the direction in which the development of valid, Choi prospects NEED to analyze the need of sufficient elements toAnalysis of reasonable development time and fill the decision making.Location and circumstances surrounding the conditions of flow analysis, census, and surveys, such as the primary commercialization reviewBased on comprehensive Feasibility analysis and through analysis, Marketing strategy and business planThe establishment of a business can be done, sungkok basic Planning and strategy.When it comes to running Marketing strategy for successful business in a consistent andThey can be persistent and systematically maintain core business strategies and a multifaceted sales strategy in parallel,Run by establishing rapid response strategy.Marketing FlowBasic strategyConsulting and policy formulationSales and marketing strategyPut/organizational and advertising and public relationsThe goal sales rate achieved and operational management systemExecution strategyBusiness conductOperations managementContracted projectsCommodity Image-up operationsMarketing ResearchCreate a list ofD/M and T/M conducted a Bounding OutBusiness calendar and announcementsCheck and confirm business goalsBid and contractResults management and analysisU.s. sales: 02 car resaleEarly successful missions of the ProjectGrand OPEN preparation-Business strategy-PR strategy-Advertisement andPromo productionThe existing DB customer classificationAdvance marketing salesAdvertising strategy analysisContract listingS. sales strategyProject FlowShort TermFinishGrand Palace Hotel condominium sales for 3 months-Wan,Stella Marina sales sales agency 2 months wanpanHeadquarters operation team Jay, Korea PM revolutionHong Kong real estate Colliers International investment group real estate investment agency www.colliers.comUnited Kingdom real estate investment group Fraser & Co real estate investment promotion agency world exposition for the first time in Korea, VNU real estate goods for saleShanghai overseas investment group real estate investment promotion agency of the immigration WorldwizdThe official agency of the international real estate Expo in 2015, CITYSCAPE, Incheon, KoreaOrganizer: Incheon, South Korea economy, INFOMA group United KingdomOrganized by: Cityscape Asia Organising CommitteeThe official agency: team j.GRAND PALACE HOTELHotel Grand Palace songdo/647-5 nonhyun-Dong, namdong-gu, Incheon, KoreaArea 3F/m 828.2, 17th floor, for a total of 215 rooms/floor area ratio 794.65%Construction and GFA 521.71 m2, 6, 651.11 ㎡3 months wanpanWE DID ITin 2 MONTHSTELLAR MARINA HOTELHotel Stella Marina/642-1, nonhyun-Dong, namdong-gu, Incheon, Korea784.89 ㎡/building area 2, three-story, 27-storey above the ground, a total of 380 rooms/floor area ratio 798.28%GFA 51, 364.28 square meters2 months wanpanGOLD COAST HOTELHotel Gold Coast/operator John & Reits/645-8 nonhyeon-Dong, namdong-gu, Incheon, KoreaConstruction area 637.420 ㎡/3 floor, 15th floor, ground, a total of 96 rooms/floor area ratio 796.94%GFA 9, 334, 210 ㎡Currently in progressL tenant Finish/2007.05/AMalaysia new third-party good golf & sky residencesLocation: Malaysia Kedah state amount new third-partyGross floor area: 944.398 ㎡/building area: 2, 30, 122.05 ㎡Size: three floors, the ground floor 3 out of 18-Dong 312 gFloor area ratio: 204.36%/: 27.97%Please move completed July 2010 admissionInvestment/2010.05 l/DOverview of the House of Commons (under development)Location: oryu-Dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, KoreaSite area: 5991 ㎡/GFA: 65494 ㎡Building area: 2, 122.05 ㎡Size: 4B, 4 out of 21-28 ground floor, 276 gL Shopping Center Overview (under development)PM double-sided: 23482 ㎡Eng Kerr the tenant: Nonghyup Hanaro Mart (underground)1st floor: neighborhood facilities (clinics), and sales facilitiesFeatures: 2-5 ground floor parking12 construction of the second half of the yearL differential nutrient investment completed/2010.03/CGoyang wondang daelim e-comfy worldLocation: sacrament-Dong, deogyang-gu, Goyang 869-guFloor area ratio: 277%/fera rate: 18%Size: only 60 square meters-141 m2Only size: 15-26 floor 1, 036 gFeel your mouth: January 2010Completed/2011.06/l differential nutrients investment ECheongju resignation Daewoo greener. Lotte CastleLocation: Dong-gu, Cheongju-SI, sajik 658Built size: 10-25 ground floor 41-3, 599 gDay 30 minutes Ms. 978 gSubdivision: May 2008/occupancy: May 2010Client: Daewoo engineering & construction, Lotte engineering & constructionL investment completed/June 2007/BDoosan weave more State commercial complex just my shoppingLocation: Gyeonggi-do-Middle East 1106Size: 1, 740 g 11Number of stores: 180 storesFeel free to wear: September 2007 sales completedBusinessResultA B CD EL investment promotion agency/2012.02/GYangzhou City agricultural and doc-Dori, the wholesale market constructionYangju, Gyeonggi-do, Korea light the location blush duck-RI San 149 membersSite area: 159900 ㎡Uses: market and OTC the slaughter troops., urban planning facilitiesZoning: agriculture, forestry, regional administrative area.L investment promotion agency/2012.02/Bupyeong station underground/FLocation: Incheon Bupyeong-Dong, 224-1Gross floor area: 1871 m2 (154)Construction area: 4, 625.25 m2The purpose of the building: the public press and commercial facilities (shops)Sales period: in the first half of 2013Completed/2013.09/l differential nutrients investment JNew daelim e-comfortable world SF HanLocation: Kimpo-SI Gyeonggi-do Intercity Han AC-11BLGross floor area: 198, 455.910 ㎡Number of households: 954 gWill move: July 2012Completed/2012.04/l differential nutrients investment HIlsan-Dong wall mount on a meal city Bloomingdale'sLocation: Dong-Dong, ilsandong-gu, Goyang, Gyeonggi-do meal 1510, 1565Gross floor area: 198, 455.910 ㎡Number of households: 3 only 1, 435 g/5 only 915 gFeel your mouth: October 2010L investment completed/2012.03/ICity life in the Middle East City Park Suite homeLocation: Gyeonggi-do Bucheon-SI wonmi-Gu Middle East 1152 bungeeGross floor area: 11, 951.75 ㎡Number of households: 138 g/2 cars 80 gBuilding use: my neighborhood life, education and research, the servant 1,2 urban living housingFeel your mouth: October 2012FBusinessResultGH I JChinaMarketingPlanningUnited StatesEB-S 50 million/5 years residence citizenshipGlobal
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
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back to top
Chairmans John Message top
l CEO Li ㅜ The Team. J Co., Ltd. is a global real estate investment development company. back to top
Our company is a residential and commercial real estate and themed and efficient Real Estate top
For the development of market research, marketing planning, and business management official, post top
A comprehensive project management tasks.Top
The reorganized its employees in residential and commercial real estate and real estate in the theme to develop an effective top
market research, marketing planning, implementation, and management, and business consulting business management and top
business comprehensively perform global real estate investment company, top
feet. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
or teams in the world of the market economy, the changes in real estate market in the advanced know-how and experience back to top
creative and forward-looking attitude of the consumer tastes and top
income,humanities and social sciences, such as nature of the market trends, to observe and detect new top
luck by finding products, and various providers and partnership for implementation of the project in progress and top
support, sales, and perform a comprehensive global company. back to top
back to top
business success as a top priority, and simple, rapidly changing real estate market by top
accurately analyze and predict and prepare always with you, Trust, top
challenge, transparency, responsible real estate development and investment agency, top
I assure you that will continue to grow. back to top
back to top
Chairmans Message Corporation name l back to top
back to top
back to top
capital L President L back to top
the location l top
The Team. J Co., Ltd. back to top
John Lee (John Li) back to top
back to top
305 million won 642 - 1 Namdong-gu, Incheon Nonhyun top
John Co dienssi, Ltd. (www.johndnc ) Top
Betty Hui Fatasil, John Lee top
$500 000 (a) back to top
5 USD Philippines Subic Zambales matches freedom gyeongjecheong C - 5 A block top
The Company President l l back to top
back to top
Back to top
Material Now the gold l support l top
Timjeyi (around Taishan ssiaendi) back to top
Betty Groups Hui Fatah Room top
642 - 1 Namdong-gu, Incheon Nonhyun Company Name l back to top
back to top
back to top
Material President L support l top
约 房 address and regional powers administered natural 產 referendum public conformity John Á REITs Investment Ltd. back to top
John Lee (John Li) back to top
back to top
Company Name l top
--------------------------------------- Top
law, of Ó top
CEO Ó top
I saw him a little Ó top
back to top
Ó Company reorganized its employees, re-the top
John Lee, (John Li) back to top
back to top
about 300 million 5 million won in Incheon Metropolitan City 642 - 1 Top
John Namdong-gu Nonhyeon DNA, Inc. (www.johndnc ) back to top
Betty after the Fatah, and John Lee, top
500000 (around 500 million won) back to top
Philippines sleep state to foot Les big free economic agency C - 5 A block head office back to top
back to top
Ó Ó CEO, back to top
back to top
I saw a little Ó Ó top
reorganized its employees are not re- (former high mountain, Andy) group back to top
back to top
Betty after the Fatah office Namdong-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City Nonhyeon-dong 642 - 1 Top
company CEO Ó Ó back to top
back to top
you will re-Ó top
The 约 房 產 referendum address and natural powers administered public judicial power John Á REITs Investment Ltd. back to top
John Lee, (John Li) back to top
back to top
company Ó Ó top
back to top
Gun, sir, I thank you a little ó ó top
Shin-Iris, Inc. back to top
back to top
Park Ki-young 200 million won back to top
back to top
company CEO ó ó ó back to top
back to top
reorganized its employees, this is a little of the experience and continuous efforts, along with the customer and the smile back to top
success can be divided into the ready companies. back to top
back to top
Global Team J CEO Group top
back to top
back to top
pre John Li SK goddess team working life back to top
The company pre-sweet 999999999999999983222784 Kogure (COMCO CRC) executive holdings since former chairman back to top
back to top
member John D Á C (Philippines) back to top
member John Á Riest Investment LTD (Hong Kong) Co. , Ltd. back to top
member Team J (Rep. of Korea) China's real estate Chamber of Commerce member back to top
back to top
member Hong Kong branch executives, Incheon City Investment city back to top
member acting in Incheon, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce member back to top
acting strengthening industrial investment, investment research, senior researcher at top
member Stella Marina Hotel agents top
Incheon gets award (14.11 25 back to top
back to top
Borad Mamber Kim Cheol top
Woolim Construction team overseas Chinese branches branch manager top
Woolim Construction back to top
back to top
rainforest Development representative Structural Superfluities, executive director back to top
back to top
accountant Kim Chul Cho Sung-tae, former advisor back to top
back to top
Jeon Moon Adviser door Carl Jung back to top
back to top
pre-Yung ,Woo Kwang-info-communications, managing director of top
pre (State) back to top
pre-accompanied by managing director of Electronic Industry Co. , Ltd won South System CEO top
pre (State) back to top
member Citigroup Inc. urban space torture torture or teams back to top
back to top
Cho Accountant Seongtae marketing executives back to top
back to top
back to top
Marketing Team Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants, banking and tax accountants M Á A author back to top
back to top
back to top
pre serving Samil Accounting CorporationBack to top
pre lender working accounting firms we work pre-school pre-school instructor back to top
back to top
back to top
member company reorganized its employees, accountants, financial advisors, three top
Financial Adviser top
Woo Hoseok National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) back to top
pre-work (11 years) back to top
pre serving Mr. Lim (18 years) back to top
pre-dong, Incheon. In Suwon, Seongnam central branch. back to top
back to top
served as former Incheon City Basketball Association disabled service (6 years) back to top
former aspiring University served as visiting professor at University of industry experts license back to top
pre-owned real estate development department of Homeland Security (MMAF) back to top
member the same-sex is currently operating 18 years back to top
Back to top
member company reorganized its employees financial advisors, vice president, managing director of Park Byung-taek back to top
back to top
sales department general director, young people back to top
business department, with the first three top
business department, director of the second-in-chief of the Third Division of the Second Factory-Gyu-top
back to top
OUTLINE Oh Yoo Jin back to top
back to top
l l CONCEPT one column for the company back to top
back to top
l l POSITIONING thorough study, research and rich with career professionals for departmental and corporate profit maximization or teams for this group back to top
the know-how from Real Estate Development Planning & Research,pre-sales and post-lease until the operating management of the stage at the same time thank the comprehensive real estate company. back to top
back to top
l l SUPPORT professional consulting and organized and systematic work of creating investment profits to maximize operating management and top
reasonable operation-oriented. back to top
back to top
Chart Organization CEO back to top
back to top
back to top
and torture top
suppliers advisory planning director of the Office for Government Policy Coordination back to top
back to top
Business Technology Sales Division administration top
M/R top
development division of housing policy planning staff back to top
back to top
audit commercial business team business team back to top
back to top
back to top
complex development research planning team top
F/S Analysis Team marketing back to top
back to top
M/D Planning Team Contact Support back to top
back to top
powered by percolator top
advertisement sales department 1 (apartment) top
sales volume 2 (commercial) back to top
back to top
harbors the funds back to top
back to top
SI team design team design analysis team back to top
back to top
back to top
Development Á Consulting residential office back to top
back to top
back to top
residential apartment office back to top
back to top
back to top
villa studio apartments in complex back to top
back to top
back to top
city complex metropolitan housing back to top
back to top
back to top
shopping mall cinema theaters back to top
back to top
back to top
distribution facilities underground development back to top
back to top
style hotel train station back to top
commercial complex logistics center top
complex terminal development back to top
back to top
leisure theme park city commercial development back to top
back to top
golf resort spa back to top
back to top
Back to top
back to top
condominium Hotel Convention Center silver back to top
back to top
l acting on public housing sales and marketing top
L Officetel units back to top
l acting and marketing office sales agent and marketing top
l facilities activation and operating management top
l commercial sales and marketing top
l shopping mall acting acting and marketing top
l complex commercial sales agent and marketing back to top
back to top
Research Á Á top
Strategy Analysis Planning back to top
back to top
back to top
development Performance Á top
Control success led to its attributes, through a thorough research back to top
Choi valid development direction to establish, analyze NEED of potential customers need enough by elements of the top
fill the analysis and decision-making when appropriate development. back to top
location analysis, and population surveys, surrounding conditions and survey through the first feasibility review through the top
based on the status of a comprehensive analysis, and Feasibility, back to top
Marketing strategy and business plan, establishing a business can be performed songs base Planning and strategies. back to top
The project execution stage successfully lead the Marketing strategy is consistent, top
persistent and systematic so that you can maintain the core business strategy and multi-faceted sales strategy at the same time, rapid containment back to top
to establish the run. Top
Marketing Flow back to top
back to top
base strategy consulting and policy distribution and marketing strategy back to top
back to top
establishment of the organization or input/advertising and public relations top
goal attainment distribution rate, and operating system build execution strategy back to top
back to top
back to top
Project Execution top
powered by management agency contracts top
matched Image-up task lists back to top
back to top
back to top
Marketing Research D/M Usually ships and T/M Out Bounding conducted business back to top
back to top
project as technical and business goal check and confirm the results back to top
back to top
bidding and contract management and analysis back to top
The second sale resell top
Project's successful mission ready back to top
back to top
grand OPEN establishment of business strategy - back to top
- Public Relations Strategy back to top
- ads and leaflets back to top
back to top
back to top
pre-existing DB classified as customer marketing, sales contract back to top
back to top
advertisement strategy analysis Lists the sales strategy back to top
back to top
back to top
Project Flow Short Term top
Back to top
Finish Grand Palace Hotel business sales three months acting slow, top
Stella Marina Hotel business sale two months acting Haeoreum top
headquarters operating or teams, the Republic of Korea PM revolution top
Hong Kong real estate investment group real estate investment Colliers International acting www.colliers. com top
British real estate real estate investment group Fraser Á Co acting www.Fraser UK. com top
Shanghai World Exposition VNU first participation, real estate sales agent in Shanghai back to top
investment immigration Worldwizd group real estate investment agency top
2015 CITYSCAPE Incheon international real estate exhibition hosted by: Back to top
official agency Incheon Metropolitan City, the Korean economy, the British INFOMA Group back to top
hosted by: City of Cape Asia Committee Top
official website agents: CO. ,LTD or teams are top
Hotel Grand Eiffel lease Songdo/Namdong-gu Incheon Nonhyun 647 - 5 top
area 828.2 square meters/3 basement floor and 17 floors, for a total of 215 Room/rate of 794.65 percent top
Construction and Building 521.71 square meters, 6, 651.11 square meters top
3 months Haeoreum top
back to top
Hotel Stella Marina/Namdong-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City Nonhyeon-dong 642 - 1 Top
building area 2, 784.89 square meters/3 stories building, 27 floors, for a total of 380 Room/rate of 798.28 percent² 51 back to top
back to top
2 months, 364.28 square meters Haeoreum GOLD COAST HOTEL back to top
back to top
hotel Gold Coast/operating company John Á Reits/Namdong-gu Incheon Nonhyeon-dong 645 - 8 top
construction area 637.420 square meters/has 3 15 stories above ground, and, for a total of 96 rooms/red 796.94 percent rate back to top
building 9, 334, 210 square meters are under way top
back to top
l move in before/2007.05/A top
Malaysia Shintaro specification golf Á sky residence top
Location: Malaysia Kedah, Shintaro specifications back to top
Building: 30, 9440.398 square meters/construction area: 2, back to top
122.05 square meters size: 3 18 stories above ground and three copper 312 generation for back to top
the rate: 204.36 percent/land ratio: 27.97 percent top
moving time: July, 2010 back to top
l investment move in before/20100.05/D top
housing overview (under development) back to top
back to top
Oryu-dong Seoul City Location: Floor: 5, 991 square meters/total area: 65, 494 square meters building area: Back to top
2, 122.05 square meters top
scale: underground, 4 th Floor,21 - 28 floors above ground, four 276 generation top
l shopping overview (under development) back to top
sales area: 23, 482 square meters, the Citroen back to top
pennant: National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) Hanaro Mart (underground) back to top
1 st Floor: facilities facilities (Clinic center) and addition top
features: ground 2 - 5 story-parking top
12 minutes in the second half of unsold construction investment has completed back to top
L/20100.03/C, Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, won back to top
Daelim E-convenient world top
Location: Goyang-sacrament, 869 back to top
Yong-dong, the rate: 277 percent/condition-rate: 18 percent top
supply area: only 60 square meters - 141 square meters top
only scale: 15 - 26 floors 1 036 generation top
moving time: January, 2010 top
L-unsold investment completion/20110.06/E top
Cheongju Sajik Daewoo Prugio. Lotte Castle top
Location: in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province Sajik Heungdeok district 658 top
scale of the building: ground floor 10 - 25 41 3 599 978 generation generation back to top
anti-sale back to top
distribution: May, 2008/move: May, 2010 top
Construction: Daewoo Construction, Lotte top
l investment completion/2007.06/B top
Doosan, We've The State residential complex commercial top
Location: Gyeonggi-do Middle East 1106 back to top
Wonmi-dong, size: 11, 740 generation shops: 180 branches back to top
back to top
moving time:September, 2007 back to top
Business complete sales back to top
back to top
Result A B C D E back to top
back to top
l Investment Agency/20120.02/G top
Yangju city construction and fishery, do back to top
Location: Yangjoo City, 149 mountain way back to top
member Floor: 159, 900 square meters back to top
purpose: Market slaughterhouses. back to top
urban planning and other military units and the convenience of usage: lands, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry area. back to top
l investment agents/20120.02/Bupyeong underground/F top
location: Incheon Metropolitan City, Pupyong 224 - 1 Top
building 1, 871 m 2 (154 stores) top
construction area: 4, 625.25 m 2 top
building purpose: the public reports and commercial facilities (stores) top
installment sale: 2013 back to top
l unsold minutes of the first half of investment completion/20130.09/J Top
Gimpo City River Daelim E-convenient world top
Location: Gyeonggi-do AC Gimpo City River 11 BL top
Building: 198, 455.910 square meters top
number of households: 954 generation top
will be completed: July, 2012 top
l unsold minutes investment complete/20120.04/H top
Ilsan meal wall-mount city blue gaming top
location: Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, dinner-dong, Dong-gu, 1510 back to top
1,565 total area : 198, 455.910 square meters top
number of households:3 Complex 1 435 generation/5 only 915 generation top
Moving Time: October, 2010 top
l investment completion/20120.03/I Middle East back to top
back to top
New City Park suite urban life housing location: Gyeonggi Province Wonmi-gu, Bucheon, 1152 back to top
Middle East area: 11, 951.75 square meters top
Number of households: First 138 generation/second 80 generation top
building purpose: the first and second species living facilities, research, urban life back to top
housing moving time: October, 2012 back to top
back to top
F Business Result back to top
back to top
back to top
G H I J China back to top
back to top
back to top
Marketing Planning U.S. back to top
back to top
EB - S $500000 back to top
Global Citizenship living in five years/
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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번역 도구 지원: 갈리시아어, 구자라트어, 그리스어, 네덜란드어, 네팔어, 노르웨이어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 라오어, 라트비아어, 라틴어, 러시아어, 루마니아어, 룩셈부르크어, 리투아니아어, 마라티어, 마오리어, 마케도니아어, 말라가시어, 말라얄람어, 말레이어, 몰타어, 몽골어, 몽어, 미얀마어 (버마어), 바스크어, 베트남어, 벨라루스어, 벵골어, 보스니아어, 불가리아어, 사모아어, 세르비아어, 세부아노, 세소토어, 소말리아어, 쇼나어, 순다어, 스와힐리어, 스웨덴어, 스코틀랜드 게일어, 스페인어, 슬로바키아어, 슬로베니아어, 신디어, 신할라어, 아랍어, 아르메니아어, 아이슬란드어, 아이티 크리올어, 아일랜드어, 아제르바이잔어, 아프리칸스어, 알바니아어, 암하라어, 언어 감지, 에스토니아어, 에스페란토어, 영어, 오리야어, 요루바어, 우르두어, 우즈베크어, 우크라이나어, 웨일즈어, 위구르어, 이그보어, 이디시어, 이탈리아어, 인도네시아어, 일본어, 자바어, 조지아어, 줄루어, 중국어, 중국어 번체, 체와어, 체코어, 카자흐어, 카탈로니아어, 칸나다어, 코르시카어, 코사어, 쿠르드어, 크로아티아어, 크메르어, 클링곤어, 키냐르완다어, 키르기스어, 타갈로그어, 타밀어, 타지크어, 타타르어, 태국어, 터키어, 텔루구어, 투르크멘어, 파슈토어, 펀자브어, 페르시아어, 포르투갈어, 폴란드어, 프랑스어, 프리지아어, 핀란드어, 하와이어, 하우사어, 한국어, 헝가리어, 히브리어, 힌디어, 언어 번역.

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