한국의 경제 규모와 비교해 한국의 ODA 규모가 작다는 사실은 보편으로 지받는 문제이다. 외교통상부에서는 ‘ODA 규모가 우리 번역 - 한국의 경제 규모와 비교해 한국의 ODA 규모가 작다는 사실은 보편으로 지받는 문제이다. 외교통상부에서는 ‘ODA 규모가 우리 영어 말하는 방법

한국의 경제 규모와 비교해 한국의 ODA 규모가 작다는 사실은

한국의 경제 규모와 비교해 한국의 ODA 규모가 작다는 사실은 보편으로 지받는 문제이다. 외교통상부에서는 ‘ODA 규모가 우리 나의 경제규모 국제 상에 비해 매우 낮은 수’이라고 말하고, KOICA에서는 ‘KOICA가 우리정부의 유일한 공식 무상원조 기이나, 동 기의 력사업 산 규모가 작아 실효 지원 곤란’하다고 볼멘 소리를 내고 있다.6) 실제 한국의 ODA 규모는 세계기으로 바라볼 때 지나치게 작은 수이다. 2003년 한국의 ODA 총액은 3.6억 달러로 GNI ODA가 차지하는 비은 0.06%, 일인당 ODA 지불에는 8달러에 불과하다. 한 국과 경제규모가 비슷한 네덜란드(39.8억불, 0.80%), 스페인(19.6억불, 0.23%) 호주(12.2억불, 0.25%)는 물론, 1인당 국민소득 수이 비슷 한 그리스 (1.6억불 ,0.21%), 포르투갈 (3.2억불, 0.22%) 뉴질랜드(3.2 억불 0.23%) 등과 비교했을 때도 매우 은 규모이다.7) 90년 DAC에 가입한 그리스, 포르투갈, 스페인의 경우, DAC 가 입을 해 원조련 법령을 제정하고 원조 규모 확를 한 계획안을 내외에 공포하는 극 의지 표명하다. 한 실제 DAC 가입을
6) 외교통상부홈페이지, IV. 우리나라 ODA의 과제 국제력단홈페이지 원조실시황에서 각각 인용.
7) 2000년을 기준으로 할 때 네델란드는 한국 GDP의 0.8배이고, 호주는 한국 GDO의 0.9배, 스페인은 1.5배이 다. 또한 2000년 한국의 1인당 GDP는 9671불로 포르투갈 10377불, 그리스 10602불, 뉴질랜드 13047불과 비슷한 규모이다. 및 참고.
해 ODA 규모를 차으로 증시켰고, DAC 가입을 후해서는 폭 ODA를 확했다.8) 이러한 치한 노력의 결과로써 그리스, 포르 투갈, 스페인은 DAC 가입에 성공할 수 있었다. 90년 DAC 가입국들 이 DAC 가입을 해 ODA 규모를 확하는 체계인 노력을 기울 던 것과 비교한다면, 한국의 ODA 확충 DAC 가입을 한 노력은 매우 부족하다. 이제야 겨우 정부차원의 ODA 확충에 한 의지 표명 개선안이 겨우 나오기 시작한 정도다.9) 실질으로 원조 확 노력이 구체으로 실되지 않고 있는 가 장 큰 이유 하나로 98년 IMF 경제 융 기 이후 계속된 경기침 체를 꼽을 수 있다. 그러나 보다 근본인 원인으로는 원조에 한 인 식 부족을 들 수 있다. 연구에 따르면 경제성장과 원조에 한 지지는 정인 상계에 놓여있으며, 나쁜 경제상황은 원조에 반하는 국민들의 가장 큰 사유로 나타났다. 그러나 원조에 한 교육을 받고 지식 있는 사람들은 당해국의 국내경제사정과 계없이 원조를 지원해 야 한다는 것으로 지지도에 변화가 감지되었다. (최문정, 2003: 14-16) 이는 원조에 한 교육과 원조의 요성에 한 인식 확산이 얼마나 요한가를 말해주는 것으로, 원조 규모를 확하기 한 실질 노력 이 결여된 한국의 상황은 그만큼 원조에 한 인식이 낮고 원조에 한 교육이 제로 이루어지지 않고 있음을 보여주는 반증이다.10) 한 한국의 ODA가 한국의 경제규모에 비해 턱없이 은 데는
8) 이를 분석한 연구 (장식, 2005: 7-14)에 따르면 91년도 DAC에 가입한 스페인은 가입 인 89년도 이까지 GNP 비 ODA비율이 0.1%이하지만 89년에는 0.1%를 기록하고, 가입해인 91년에 0.24%에 이르게 되었 다. 한 61년 창립멤버으나 74년 탈퇴 후 91년 스페인과 함께 DAC에 재가입한 포르투갈은 80년 말 포 르투갈 사용어 의체(PALOP)를 구성한 후 ODA 규모를 거의 20배 가까이 확하고, DAC에 가입한 91년 도에는 90년도 0.25%던 GNP 비 ODA를 0.31%까지 끌어올렸다. 96년 가입에 실패하고 99년 재신청 끝에 가입에 성공한 그리스는 가입 우리와 비슷한 원조규모를 가졌으나, 96 DAC 가입이 좌된 후 DAC 가 입을 해 ODA 5개년 증액계획을 공표하는 등 많은 노력 기울여 2000년에는 ODA규모를 GNP 비 0.2%로 확하는데 성공하다.
9)  2005년 11월이 돼서야 ODA 규모 확와 체제 개선을 한 단가 마련되었다. 11월 15일 국무회의에서는 2004년 말 기 GNI의 0.06% 수이었던 ODA 규모를 10년 내 4배 이상 확충하고 '소액 다국형' 원조 방식을 탈피해 륙별 지원 상국가를 선정하는 '외원조 종합책'을 의결했다.
10) 실제 한국의 ODA 산은 정부산 편성 시 후순로 리는 등 ODA 재원확보에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 를 들면, 97년 아시아 경제기 이후 국내경제가 어려움에 따라 KOICA 무상원조 사업산이 크게 삭감(97 년 57백만불에서 99년 30백만불까지 삭감)되었고 2002년도 KOICA 정규 사업산은 97년 산의 87.5%에 불 과하다. 이에 따라 아간 재건 지원 비용을 KOICA 산에서 확보하지 못하는 상황이 발생해 아간 재건 지원 10만불은 정부 비비로 별도로 확보해야 했다. 경제 어려움에 따라 원조 삭감이 폭으로 이루어졌 다는 것은 그만큼 원조의 요성에 한 국민 인식이 결여되어 있다는 뜻이며, 이로 인해 한국은 ODA 재 원의 안정 확보가 어려워 사 업추진에 어려움을 겪고 있다고 볼 수 있다. (외교통상부 홈페이지 참조)
분단국가라는 특수한 상황에 의한 부담이 일정부분 향을 미치고 있 는 것이 사실이다. 국회통일외교통상원회가 작성한 『우리나라 ODA(공개발원조) 통계작성 추계방식의 개선방안』은 ‘재 정부 차원에서 추계하고 있는 ODA 통계는 분단국가라는 특수한 상황 때문 에 제외하고 있고, 원조 통계 작성 집계에 있어서도 앙정부 원조실시기에 한정하고 있기 때문에 실제보다 과소 추정되고 있다’ 고 주장한다. 실제 정부의 북지원규모는 2002년을 기으로 GNI 비 0.039%로서 무시할 수 없는 수이다. 그리고 이를 만약 ODA 통계 에 포함시킬 경우 GNI 비 ODA는 0.06%에서 0.097%로 올라가게 된 다. (국회통일외교통상원회, 2003: 77) 그러나 북지원을 ODA 통계에 포함시킨 수치라 하더라도 DAC 회원국 평균인 0.25%에 한참 미달하는 것이며, DAC 가입 기11)인 GNI 비 0.2%도 충족시키지 못하는 것이다. 따라서 북한 지원의 부 담이라는 한계를 고려한다하더라도 한국의 ODA는 상당부분 규모를 확해야 할 필요가 있다. 더구나 통일까지 북한에 지원되어야 할 천 문학인 비용을 모두 한국의 능력으로만 감당하는 것은 불가능하다. 따라서 ‘국제사회에 한 지원의무를 성실히 수행하는 것은 국제사회 에 북지원을 요청하기 한 일종의 보험’이라는 지(조, 2005: 53) 은 매우 하다. 북한을 돕기 해 다른 나라의 원조가 으로 필요한 만큼, 한국 역시 다른 개도국에 해 원조 규모를 확해 나가 는 일이 실히 필요하다고 할 수 있다.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
South Korea's economy, compared with South Korea's ODA as the fact that it is a matter that receives universal size small. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, economy of scale and the scale of our international ' ODA compared to say, a very low ' on the KOICA provides the only official us Government ' musangweonjo Ki or KOICA, East of the smaller scale of the mountain supports the difficult approach protects a business ' strength is in Mensa. 6) actual ODA in South Korea as the world's largest flag when an excessively small. In 2003, South Korea's ODA total GNI ODA accounted for 3.6 billion dollars to go to non-ODA per capita payment in the 0.06%, only $ 8. Similar to the Netherlands one and economic scale (24.7 billion, 0.80%), Spain (12.2 billion, 0.23%) Australia (7.6 billion, 0.25%), as well as the number of per capita income similar to that of a Greece (1.6 billion USD, 0.21%), Portugal (3.2 billion, 0.22%) New Zealand (3.2 billion 0.23%) When such comparisons are very scale. 7) signed up for Greece, Portugal, DAC 90 years in the case of Spain, to enact the Statute up mouth DAC obedience and flare for the scale of the aid proposal expressed the willingness of the fear inside and outside pole. Join the actual DAC 6) Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, IV. The country carried out with the aid of the international challenges of force only ODA website quoted from sulfur, respectively. 7, 2000) when based on the GDP of the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, South Korea, Australia and GDO 0.8 0.9 times of rule, Spain, 1.5 times the per capita GDP in South Korea in 2000 it also is 10377, Greece Portugal with 9671 10602 fire, New Zealand is just a similar scale 13047. <표1> and <표2>. Still in the car, and the scale of ODA, let DAC should width after joining ODA sprouted. 8) as a result of the efforts Greece this molester, Fortuna, Spain was able to succeed in joining the DAC. Signatories are 90 years of DAC register DAC ODA effort has a system to check the scale with the expansion of DAC ODA, if you compare the joined effort is very low. Now only the Government expressed intention to raise ODA should not only improve coming. 9) as a real flare for aid as effort is not a concrete reason as one large room in 1998, IMF economic melting Cone, the game continued since. However, one of the essential causes than aid, can lack. Studies have shown that economic growth and aid in support of the bad economic situation, Jeong in-lies in the countervailing assistance appeared to be one of the biggest reasons people against. However, to aid people in such an education knowledge of the domestic economy and system should be supported by the assistance without support changes (transition detection). (Choi Moon-Jung, 2003:14-16) this is for education and assistance to aid flexible spread awareness how John has to say, a real effort to check the scale of aid devoid of South Korea's situation awareness as much as aid to education aid as low as zero not disprove that. 10) compared to South Korea's economy is one of South Korea's ODA is an exorbitantly The study analyzed eight) (decoration, 2005:7-14) signed up for Spain is 91 according to the DAC is to join a non-ODA proportion of the year as far as GNP 89 0.1% 0.1% in 1989, but the record is 91 years signing up 0.24%, which leads to a founding member for 61 years. but, after secession, Spain, 74 to 91 with Portugal signed up by the end of the 80 's DAC Fortuna was used to go nuts (PALOP) after you configure the scale of ODA almost 20 times closer to keep popping Also in 1991, signed up for the DAC a 90-year ODA to GNP ratio was 0.25% 0.31%. Failed to join in 1996 at the end of 1999 Greece successfully sign up join the appeal, we have the scale, a similar aid 96 DAC DAC ODA do mouth after it has been left to join five-year plan to increase the publicity put a lot of effort, such as lean in 2000, ODA to GNP ratio of 0.2 per cent in the scale of vetting is successful. 9, November 2005) this should keep popping up, the unit price for the improvement of the system and the scale of ODA. On November 15, the end of 2004, the State flag was a 0.06% of GNI ODA expansion within 10 years, more than four times the scale and microfinance international-type ' talpihae the way to six specific support aid awards besides the ' country assistance voted for the comprehensive book '. 10) after South Korea's Government organized the real net ODA Mountain Mount Laurie, etc. are struggling a lot in securing financial resources, ODA. For instance, the 1997 Asian economic difficulties in the domestic economy, since according to the KOICA musangweonjo business mountain cut (1997, 57 million dollars, 30 million up to $ 99 in the cuts) and in 2002, mountain regular business KOICA mountain fire in 87.5% and 97. This according to a reconstruction support costs between the KOICA fail to secure the situation in the mountains occurred 10 million dollars in government support the rebuilding between Ah Bibi had to be secured separately by. Economic difficulties was done with the aid cuts, depending on the width, as long as it is related to the lack of national recognition of aid means, and as a result, South Korea has secured a steady hard work of ODA re struggling to push remains to be seen. (See the homepage) 분단국가라는 특수한 상황에 의한 부담이 일정부분 향을 미치고 있 는 것이 사실이다. 국회통일외교통상원회가 작성한 『우리나라 ODA(공개발원조) 통계작성 추계방식의 개선방안』은 ‘재 정부 차원에서 추계하고 있는 ODA 통계는 분단국가라는 특수한 상황 때문 에 제외하고 있고, 원조 통계 작성 집계에 있어서도 앙정부 원조실시기에 한정하고 있기 때문에 실제보다 과소 추정되고 있다’ 고 주장한다. 실제 정부의 북지원규모는 2002년을 기으로 GNI 비 0.039%로서 무시할 수 없는 수이다. 그리고 이를 만약 ODA 통계 에 포함시킬 경우 GNI 비 ODA는 0.06%에서 0.097%로 올라가게 된 다. (국회통일외교통상원회, 2003: 77) 그러나 북지원을 ODA 통계에 포함시킨 수치라 하더라도 DAC 회원국 평균인 0.25%에 한참 미달하는 것이며, DAC 가입 기11)인 GNI 비 0.2%도 충족시키지 못하는 것이다. 따라서 북한 지원의 부 담이라는 한계를 고려한다하더라도 한국의 ODA는 상당부분 규모를 확해야 할 필요가 있다. 더구나 통일까지 북한에 지원되어야 할 천 문학인 비용을 모두 한국의 능력으로만 감당하는 것은 불가능하다. 따라서 ‘국제사회에 한 지원의무를 성실히 수행하는 것은 국제사회 에 북지원을 요청하기 한 일종의 보험’이라는 지(조, 2005: 53) 은 매우 하다. 북한을 돕기 해 다른 나라의 원조가 으로 필요한 만큼, 한국 역시 다른 개도국에 해 원조 규모를 확해 나가 는 일이 실히 필요하다고 할 수 있다.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
South Korea's economy is small compared to the size of Korea's ODA fact is not subject to the universal problem. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 'ODA scale is very low compared to the us my economic scale international' as saying, KOICA, the 'KOICA has a smaller power projects San scale of our unique formula grant, a group, such a group of government support effective difficult' bolmen sound that has put the 0.6) is the size of the actual ODA Korea is too small when seen in the world group. Korea's total ODA in 2003 is only $ 800, the GNI ODA accounted bieun 0.06% ODA per capita payment to $ 3.6 billion. Similar to the one station and the economy Netherlands (39.8 billion US dollars, 0.80%), Spain (19.6 billion US dollars, 0.23%), Australia (12.2 billion US dollars, 0.25%), as well as the per capita income Sui similar one in Greece (1.6 billion US dollars, 0.21%). , Portugal (3.2 billion US dollars, 0.22%) when compared to the scale as New Zealand (3.2 billion US dollars or 0.23%) are very 0.7) in the case of a Greece, Portugal and Spain joined in 1990 DAC, DAC has established a one-year statute Obedience mouth it expressed willingness to extreme fear inside and outside the aid hwakreul the proposal. Join the actual DAC
6) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website, IV. Main challenges in international aid each cited ryeokdan sulfur conduct of the Korean ODA.
7) when the basis of the Netherlands in 2000 was 0.8 times that of South Korea GDP, Australia is 0.9 times that of South Korea GDO, the Spanish Bay is 1.5. In addition, Korea's per capita GDP in 2000 is 10 377 9671 fire lit Portugal, Greece 10602 Bull, New Zealand 13 047 just similar size. <Table 1> and <Table 2> Note
to sikyeotgo increase the ODA size of the car, not after he joined the DAC expand the width of ODA .8) As a result of these efforts molestation Greece, Portugal and Spain join the DAC succeed could. If the DAC member countries in the '90 compared with Dunne put a system in an effort to expand the scale ODA to join the DAC, ODA efforts for expansion of Korea joined DAC is very low. Now only government started out of the will expressed by a mere improvement in the degree of expansion of the ODA 0.9) Since this chapter is that without a substantial aid effort not confirm a concrete room into one big reason '98 IMF economic convergence group continued recession can the kkopeul. But a more fundamental cause may be a lack of recognition on the aid. According to the study, supported by economic growth and help offset lies in Jung, and the bad state of the economy was the biggest reason is contrary to the aid of the people. However, people are getting education knowledge to help detect changes in the approval rating was that they must support the system without the aid and domestic economic situation of that country. (Choemunjeong, 2003: 14-16) This is to say that the education and the awareness on the importance of how yohanga aid assistance, Korea's situation is a real effort to expand the aid are devoid of much assistance to recognized this is a testament showing that low but not zero training is done with the aid 0.10), one of Korea's ODA there is no chin than the economy of South Korea
studies 8) analyzed (decoration, 2005 to 7-14) According Spain joined the DAC is a 91 year was brought to 0.24% in the year '91 Up, and recording 0.1% in '89, the year of the GNP if the non-subscription ratio is less than 0.1% ODA 89 Ica, though. The '61 founding members, but after the withdrawal '74 near '91 Portugal who rejoin the DAC with Spain after configuring the user end of '80 Portuguese uiche (PALOP) almost 20 times the ODA-scale expansion, and joined the DAC the '91 also raised the GNP non-ODA Dunn 0.25% 0.31% up to 90 years. Failure on 96-year membership and '99 Re-but had the aid Greece is similar to join our successful subscription at the end of application, 96 DAC Join the Lean efforts, such as the DAC is to announce the ODA 5-Year Increase plans mouth after jwadoen 2000 it has managed to expand the scale ODA to 0.2% of GNP rain.
9) in November 2005 dwaeseoya the price was set by the system to improve ODA hwakwa scale. November 15 cabinet meeting in late 2004, based GNI 0.06% can was ODA scale 10 years within the four expansion more than doubled and the Micro is gukhyeong 'aid scheme escape to ryukbyeol support the' other aid comprehensive book to select a country for It voted the '
10) as ODA when husun acid government organized a mountain of South Korea Lee is actually experiencing a lot of difficulties such as the ODA funding. For example, '97 Asian financial period since the domestic economy KOICA grant aid projects acids significantly reduced (from 57 million in '97 to '99 to 30 million reduction) was Year KOICA regular business mountain fire in 87.5% of '97 acid 2002, depending on the difficulty charge. Thus Achan's situation does not occur secure the reconstruction cost of $ 100,000 from KOICA San Achan reconstruction had to be secured separately by the government baboons. What that turns aid cuts, depending on the economic difficulties made ​​the width and means so much one people aware of the importance of aid is lacking, resulting to see that South Korea is struggling to push up four difficult to ensure the stability of ODA re-sources have. (See Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)
divided country is the fact that you are having a burden facing certain parts of the garaneun special circumstances. "Korean ODA (Ball Development Assistance) Improvement of estimation statistical method" diplomacy Assembly Unification normal Commission created the 'ODA statistics and estimates from the ashes government may, except because divided country garaneun special situations, aid statistics aggregation also, because the central government and carried out limited aid groups are underestimated than the actual '' said Rep. Facebook Support the real scale of government can not be ignored as a non-0.039% based on the GNI in 2002. And if it be included in the ODA statistics, GNI is a non-ODA goes up from 0.06% to 0.097%. (National Assembly Unification, Foreign Affairs and Trade Commission, 2003: 77) But will that long below the North supported the figures referred to 0.25% of DAC members mean, even if you include in the ODA statistics, DAC join group 11) is a not even meet GNI non-0.2% . So even if you consider the burden that the limit of North Korea's ODA assistance may be necessary to confirm a significant portion size. Moreover, it is both cost munhakin cloth to be supported by the North Korean reunification is not possible to deal only with the ability of Korea. So if that 'Doing good faith obligations to the international community to support some kind of insurance, to request the international community to support the North' (Article, 2005: 53) is very. As long as necessary to help the North to the aid of other countries, Korea also harm other developing countries hwakhae the aid can be said to be the one I was decidedly necessary.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
south korea's economic scale and compare the size of south korea. ODA in general to be a problem. the ministry of foreign affairs, "my my ODA scale economies of scale compared to more than a small number of" international "and" KOICA KOICA, our government only with the aid of the formula, the size of the business is small, the effective support of the difficulties ". angry sound 6). the south korean ODA scale to look for the world was too small. in 2003, south korea amounted to $3.6 billion ODA gni ODA is accounted for the cost of 0.06%, per capita ODA, pay only $8. the economy of scale and the like, of the dutch 39.8, 0.80%), spain (19.6 of fire 0.23%), australia (12.2 zero point two five percent of fire), and per capita income is similar to greek (1.6 million fire 0.21%), portugal (3.2 0.22 of fire new zealand (%) of the 3.2 0.23%) compared to the very situation. 7) in 90 years DAC join greece, portugal, spain, and DAC's source of law, assistance and training to develop a plan to play on the show. said. the DAC to join a6) the foreign ministry web site, IV. our country ODA in the control group, the yellow page of the quote.7 april 2000, holland, south korea, the 0.8 times gdp, australia, south korea, spain GDO of 0.9 times, 1.5 times. also in 2000, south korea's per capita gdp 9671 fire fire fire 10377 portugal, greece, new zealand, 10602, 13047 similar scale. the "mark 1" and "2" for increase the size of ODA made, DAC membership, to find the ODA. 8) such as a the result of the efforts of the past, the very style and spain joined in DAC can succeed. 90 years of the DAC countries access to DAC ODA scale is a system of work, and the expansion ratio, the south korean ODA DAC join efforts are not enough. now the government to ensure that the improvement in ODA will not only have a beginning level. 9), the expansion of the aid effort not to have the reason, one is the international monetary fund or for 98 years of economic recession, has been one of the can. however, the more fundamental reason is the lack of assistance on the way. according to the study of economic growth and the government in a coup, is in a bad economic situation, aid is contrary to most people's thinking. however, aid to education to people with knowledge of the state of the domestic economy and in the situation of no assistance to support, to support changes in perception. (the paper, 2003: 14 - 16), the aid to education and aid in identification of the meteor to what john said to me, the scale of efforts to expand the results of the korean situation that aid and assistance with a 인식이 the education system is not built. give evidence to the contrary. 10, south korea south korea ODA economies of scale and unreasonable.a study of 8) (decoration, 2005: 7 - 14), according to the DAC 91 years in spain is 89 years in the proportion of gross national product to ODA 0.1%, 0.1% and 89 years, with access to records, 91 years is 0.24%.. a member of 61 years, 74 years after the 91 years from spain and portugal, in a DAC add 80 years to use it very full of food (PALOP), the scale of ODA twenty times to close, DAC join 91 90 years of zero point two five percent a year. in the ODA 0.31% gross national product to take up. in 96 years, 99 years in a letter to the failure of the success in the us and is similar to the scale of aid has 96 DAC, after join the DAC is to increase the amount of ODA five year plan period, a lot of time 기울여 in 2000 the scale of the ODA 0.2% of gross national product, and i want to success.november 9, 2005)  . it ODA scale expansion and improvement of the system of measures. on november 15, 2004, the council of state, that can 0.06% of gni. ODA scale expanded 4 times in 10 years, "small countries". the way of the state or other support to select the "foreign aid" the book ".10) the south of the mountain is the mountain ODA schedule according to the thickness of the ODA resources, to a lot of difficulties. as for 97 years, the domestic economic difficulties, the asian economy with the aid of a reduction in the KOICA (97 years in the 57 million to 30 million reduction in the 99 years). 2002. the cause of the KOICA is 97 years of the 87.5% in the class. therefore, the reconstruction of the support cost in the KOICA did not ensure that the
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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