당진 안섬풍어제는 350년이란 역사를 가진 당진의 축제다.당진 안섬풍어제는 2001년 6월 30일 충청남도무형문화재 제35호로 번역 - 당진 안섬풍어제는 350년이란 역사를 가진 당진의 축제다.당진 안섬풍어제는 2001년 6월 30일 충청남도무형문화재 제35호로 영어 말하는 방법

당진 안섬풍어제는 350년이란 역사를 가진 당진의 축제다.당진

당진 안섬풍어제는 350년이란 역사를 가진 당진의 축제다.
당진 안섬풍어제는 2001년 6월 30일 충청남도무형문화재 제35호로 지정되어있고
안섬풍어제는 안섬당굿보존회가 주관하고 안섬 마을주민 200여명이 참여하는 당진의 축제다.
당진 안섬풍어제는 2월27일과 28일 양일간 송악면 고대1리 안섬마을 포구에서 열린다.
당진 안섬풍어제를 개최하는 까닭은 어민들의 안녕과 풍어를 기원하는 행사이기 떄문이다.
이축제를 마치고난 안섬 주민들은 당제 준비를 하면서 서로 단결된 모습을 보이게 되며
제를 치르고 난 후에는 안심하고 출어를 나가 어로에 전념한다.
지금은 당진 안섬풍어제가 점차 횟집등으로 이루어져 형태가 서비스업으로 변해가지만
60~70년 전까지는 사람들의 생계를 이루는중요한 행사여서 고기잡이의 사투를 벌인 행사다.
그래서 안섬당굿보존회는 이런 절박한상황을 다시 축제로 보여주면서
우리민속의 소중함을 알리려고자하는 당진의 축제다.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Dangjin Island style yesterday with a celebration of 350 years of dangjin Iran.Dangjin Island wind yesterday, June 30, 2001, South Chungcheong province have been designated as intangible cultural asset No. 35 Island wind yesterday did not not good retention times per island and island town residents 200 people to participate in the Festival of dangjin. Dangjin Island wind yesterday, February 27 and 28 days if not the ancient evil song 1 will take place from the village of the island.Dangjin Island wind yesterday to hold a catch because fishermen and their wish to be and can be.After this festival I am not ready for the island residents to unite with each other while the third party, andAfter paying for my peace of mind, and is dedicated to culeo, the Naga.Now I do not catch the island gradually sushi restaurant, dangjin, and so turned to the hospitality industry, but in the form consists of60-70 years ago until an important event that the livelihood of the people as the fish's struggling events.So is this a good per Island preservation society showed the imminent situation back FestivalWe want the importance of folklore festival of the dangjin.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Dangjin anseom pungeoje is Dangjin Festival of a history is 350 years.
Dangjin anseom pungeoje is designated in June 2001 30 days arc 35 Chungcheongnam-do Intangible Cultural Property and
anseom pungeoje is anseom danggut Preservation Society organized and 200 people participated anseom villagers the Dangjin festival of that.
Dangjin anseom pungeoje will be held on February 27th and 28th yangilgan songakmyeon ancient one Lee anseom town muzzle.
therefore to hold Dangjin anseom pungeoje is ttyaemun be the occasion to pray for peace and good catch of fishermen.
this festival the finished I anseom residents and look your look and unite the confection prepared
relieved after I pay my devoted to fishing out the chuleo.
now Dangjin anseom pungeoje is increasingly made ​​up of salons such as form, but changing to services
60-70 until yeoseo important events that make up the livelihood of the people all events staged for the fishing struggling.
so anseom danggut Preservation Society is showing such a desperate situation again, the festival
is Dangjin festival that want to notify us importance of folklore.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
the town of island wind yesterday, a total of 350 years of history is the true celebration party.the town of island wind yesterday, june 30, 2001, and the others are intangible cultural heritage may be designated as the third.the wind, i can not be preserved by the island and the island in the village of 200 in the day is really.the town of island wind yesterday, february 27 and 28, the first two days. the song if you can open in the village of the island.the town of island wind yesterday, it is held, and the fishermen of the event because of.i don"t like this the people need the prescription for each word, the appearance of man.after the wedding, please feel at ease to go fishing, go fishing in the concentrated.it is the last town, and was gradually sushi and other services to get shape change pointsat the age of 60 ~ 70 years ago, people"s life is more important, a fight to the death of fishing activities.the preservation of the island. because of the urgent situation in the show and celebration.we know the importance of the folk life in the tang of the true celebration.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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