IT산업의 발전과 더불어 수요가 기하급수로 증가중인 데이터센터는, 매년 전력의 사용이 45%씩 증가 하고 있다. 데이터센터에서 번역 - IT산업의 발전과 더불어 수요가 기하급수로 증가중인 데이터센터는, 매년 전력의 사용이 45%씩 증가 하고 있다. 데이터센터에서 영어 말하는 방법

IT산업의 발전과 더불어 수요가 기하급수로 증가중인 데이터센터는

IT산업의 발전과 더불어 수요가 기하급수로 증가중인 데이터센터는, 매년 전력의 사용이 45%씩 증가 하고 있다. 데이터센터에서 전력사용의 50%는 냉방에너지를 만들기 위해 사용되며, 이 중 30%가 냉방설비의 효율에 의해 낭비되고 있다. 이런 문제를 해결하고자 에너지절감을 위한 공조시스템들에 개발 및 연구가 국내에서 활발히 진행 되고 있다.
따라서, 본 연구에서는 데이터센터의 전력사용량을 절감할 수 있는 에너지절감 공조시스템과 기존 공조시스템에 대한 LCC분석을 통해 경제성평가를 진행하고, 기존 공조시스템과 에너지절감 공조시스템의 절감효과를 비교하여, 에너지 절감 및 CO2 배출감소에 대한 검증을 목표로 한다.

연구의 진행 절차로는 1)이론적 고찰을 통한 데이터센터의 구성 및 기존냉방시스템에 대한 이해, LCC분석의 정의 및 절차에 대한 이해, 냉방시스템에 대한 선행 연구의 고찰, 2)경제성 분석을 위한 LCC 분석 방향설정 및 가정사항 설정, 에너지절감 공조시스템 대안 설정, 3)공조시스템별 비용항목 분석을 통한 경제성 분석 및 평가 4) CO2 배출비용 적용에 대한 경제성 평가 및 환경성 평가, 5) 민감도 분석을 통한 경제성분석 값 신뢰성 판단, 6) 최종 결론의 도출로 진행 되었다.
(M : 기계식, A : 외기식, AW : 외기냉수식, W : 수냉식)

‣ 초기투자비(설치비용)는 기존 냉방시스템에 비해, 대안 시스템들이 높은 것으로 나타났다. (M: 0.8%, A: 11.3%, AW: 11.3%, W:0.8%, Multi 11.3% 로 기존 시스템보다 높다.)

‣ 운영단계 비용 중, 연간 수선비용도 기존 공조시스템에 비해 대안 시스템들이 높은 것으로 나타났다. (M: 0.9%, A: 15%, AW: 15%, W: 0.8%, Multi: 15%로 기존시스템보다 높다.) 60년의 운영기간동안 누적 수선비용을 분석한 결과도 연간 수선비용과 유사하게 대안들이 높은 것으로 분석되었다.

‣ 운영단계 비용 중 교체비용 또한, 기존 공조시스템 보다 대안 시스템들이 높은 것으로 나타났다. (M: 0.8%, A: 12%, AW: 12%, W: 0.8%, Multi: 12%로 기존시스템 보다 높다.)

‣ 운영단계 비용 중 에너지비용에서는 기존의 냉방시스템 보다 대안 시스템들이 더 적게 나왔다.(M: 17.6%, A: 22.42%, AW: 19.29%, W: 23.3%, Multi: 44.72%로 기존시스템에 비해 대안시스템들이 에너지 절감효과가 뛰어나다.) 60년 운영기간동안 누적 에너지비용을 분석한 결과도 연간 수선비용과 유사하게 기존시스템에 비해 대안시스템들이 절감되는 것으로 분석되었다.

‣ 이상의 내용을 기반으로, 60년간 각각의 냉방시스템을 운영하는 것을 가정하였을 때, 기존 시스템에 비해 1) 대안1_기계식 공조시스템이 약 12.1%, 2) 대안2_외기냉방 공조시스템이 약13.6%, 3) 외기냉수 공조시스템이 약11.3%, 4) 수냉식 공조시스템이 약 17.2%, 5) Multi 공조시스템이 약 31.2% 경제적으로 우수한 것으로 분석되었다.

‣ 냉방시스템별 CO2 배출 비용을 기준으로 친환경성능을 평가한 결과, 기계식 공조시스템 0.73%, 외기냉방 공조시스템 0.93%, 외기냉수 공조시스템이 0.83%, 수냉식 공조시스템이 0.96%, Multi 공조스템이 1.87%의 절감 효과를 보였다.

이상의 내용을 종합하여 보면, 기계식 공조시스템 13.62%, 외기냉방 공조시스템 14.56%, 외기냉수 공조시스템이 12.13%, 수냉식 공조시스템이 18.09%, Multi 공조스템이 32.09%로 Multi 공조시스템이 가장 많은 절감 효과를 확인할 수 있다.

향후, 서버 룸에 대한 효율이 높은 전산장비, 즉 서버 랙등에 대한 대안들을 추가 하여 분석한다면, 보다 높은 에너지 절감 효과를 낼 수 있을 것으로 사료되며, 나아가, 전기세가 높은 국외를 대상으로 확장한다면, 데이터센터 공조시스템에 대한 에너지절감부분에 대하여 많은 기여를 할 수 있을 것이다.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
In addition to the development of the IT industry demand increases to exponential data center, the annual use of electricity increased by 45%. 50% of power consumption in the data center cooling energy is used to make 30% of the air conditioning equipment of efficiency are being wasted by. To solve this problem for energy savings in the development and research on domestic air conditioning systems are actively underway. Thus, in this study, the data center can reduce power usage of energy-saving HVAC systems and existing HVAC system for LCC analysis, economic assessment is in progress, the existing air conditioning system and energy-saving HVAC system lets you compare savings, energy savings and CO2 emission reduction for verification.Research progress of the procedure 1) consists of the data center through theoretical study and understanding of the existing air conditioning system, the definition of the LCC analysis and understanding, about the procedure followed for the study of the air conditioning system study, 2) LCC analysis for economic analysis, direction and set your home, energy-saving HVAC system alternatives, set 3) HVAC system cost analysis of CO2 emission costs, economic analysis and evaluation 4) about applying economic assessment and environmental assessment, 5) sensitivity analysis the economics analysis of value through reliability judgment Continue to draw the final conclusion, 6). (M: mechanical, weather, weather AW: A: cold formulas, W: water cooled) Results of the analysis ‣ The initial investment (installation costs) compared to traditional air conditioning system, alternative systems appeared to be high. (M: 0.5%, 11.3% 11.3%, A: AW:, W:0.8%, 11.3 percent higher than an existing system with Multi). ‣ Operational phase costs, annual costs compared to alternative existing HVAC system repair systems are high. (M: 0.6%, 15%, 15% A: AW:, W: 0.8%, higher than the existing system with Multi: 15%). 60 years of operating the cumulative repair costs during the analysis of the results of the annual repair costs and similar alternatives were analyzed to be high. ‣ Operational phase costs more than the replacement cost of the existing HVAC system alternative systems appeared to be high. (M: A: 12%, 0.8%, AW: 12%, W: 0.8%, higher than the existing system with Multi: 12%). ‣ Operating steps in energy costs of the existing air conditioning system rather than the cost of alternative systems more and more about less and less. (M: 17.6%, A: 22.42%, AW: 19.29%, W: 14.5%, compared to the existing system with Multi: 44.72% alternative systems energy savings.) A 60-year operating period the cumulative analysis of results of annual energy costs, repair costs and compared to existing systems, similar to alternative systems were analyzed as being reduced. ‣ Over 60 years each, based on the contents of the air conditioning system to operate when compared to existing systems, the home 1 1 alternatives _ about a mechanical HVAC system) 7.5%, 2) weather air conditioning HVAC system alternatives 2 _ about 8.5%, 3) weather and cold water air conditioning system is approximately 7.0%, water-cooled air conditioning system about 4) 17.2% 31.2% Multi HVAC system is about 5) economically superior was analyzed. ‣ Air conditioning system-specific CO2-emissions eco-performance based on the results of evaluating the cost, mechanical HVAC system 0.73 percent, 0.93 percent, the air conditioning HVAC system air chilled water air conditioning system water-cooled air conditioning system, 0.96 percent, 0.83 percent, to use to place calls 1.87% savings Multi HVAC. If you look at the contents of the above, mechanical HVAC system 13.62 percent, 14.56% air conditioning HVAC system, air and cold water air conditioning system water-cooled air conditioning system, 18.09%, 12.13%, Multi Multi HVAC system to use to place calls 32.09 percent cooperation, the most you can see a lot of savings. In the future, the server room for highly efficient computational equipment, namely the server rack by adding alternatives for such analysis is higher than the energy savings, if you will be able to pay for feed, and Furthermore, if you expand that target high-foreign electricity tax, data center HVAC system energy savings in part for contributing a lot against you will be able to do.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Demand data centers are growing exponentially with the development in the IT industry, the use of electric power has increased by 45% each year. 50% of the power used by the data center are used to make the cooling energy, 30% of which is wasted by the efficiency of the cooling plant. To solve this problem, research and development is the air-conditioning system for energy saving has been actively in the country.
Thus, the present study, which can reduce the power consumption in the data center energy savings and air conditioning system for an existing air conditioning system LCC proceed to economic analysis by the analysis, and by comparing the reduction of the existing air conditioning system and energy saving air-conditioning system, energy savings and CO2 verify the emissions targets. in the proceedings of the study are: 1) through Theoretical construction of data centers and understanding of the existing air-conditioning systems, LCC understanding of the definitions and procedures of analysis, review of previous studies on the cooling system 2) set LCC Analysis direction for economic analyzes and assumptions set energy-saving air-conditioning system alternative settings, 3) HVAC economic analysis and evaluation through the system cost per item analysis 4) CO2 Economic Evaluation and Environmental Assessment for the discharge costs apply, 5) economic analysis values ​​the reliability determined by the sensitivity analysis, 6) to derive the final conclusion was conducted. (M: mechanical, A: Ambient expression, AW: cold ambient equation, W: water-cooled) analysis ‣ initial costs (installation costs), compared to conventional air-conditioning systems, alternative systems was higher. (M: 0.8%, A: 11.3%, AW: 11.3%, W:. 0.8%, higher than the existing system with Multi 11.3%) ‣ during the operational phase costs, annual repair cost of alternative systems are high compared to traditional air conditioning systems that appeared. (M: 0.9%, A: 15%, AW: 15%, W: 0.8%, Multi:. 15% to higher than the old system) As a result of analyzing the accumulated repair costs during the operating period of 60 years is also an annual repair costs and Similarly alternatives have been analyzed that high. ‣ Also, the replacement cost of the operational phase costs, alternative systems was higher than conventional air conditioning systems. (M: 0.8%, A: 12%, AW: 12%, W: 0.8%, Multi:. 12% to higher than existing systems) ‣ In the energy costs of the operational phase cost alternative systems are less than the conventional air-conditioning systems came out. (M: 17.6%, A: 22.42%, AW: 19.29%, W: 23.3%, Multi:. by 44.72% compared to traditional systems Alternative systems have excellent energy saving effect) cumulative energy costs over 60 years operating period The analysis of Fig were analyzed to be compared with alternative systems to reduce the annual repair costs, similar to the existing system. Based on ‣ the above, assuming that 60 years operating the respective cooling systems, one in comparison to existing systems ) alternative to a mechanical air conditioning system 1_ approximately 12.1%, and 2) 2_ alternative ambient cooling air-conditioning system is about 13.6%, and 3) cold outdoor air conditioning system is about 11.3%, and 4) a water-cooled air conditioning system is approximately 17.2%, 5) Multi air conditioning system was analyzed to approximately 31.2% economically superior. ‣ cooling result of evaluating the environmental performance per system with CO2 based emissions costs, mechanical air-conditioning system 0.73%, ambient air cooling and air conditioning system 0.93%, ambient cold air-conditioning system 0.83% , water-cooled air conditioning system is 0.96%, the Multi air conditioning system showed a reduction of 1.87%. In the synthesis of the above, a mechanical air conditioning system 13.62%, ambient air cooling and air conditioning system 14.56%, ambient cold air conditioning system is 12.13%, water-cooled air-conditioning the system is 18.09%, the Multi air conditioning system can check the Multi air conditioning systems with the most savings by 32.09%. In the future, efficient computerized equipment for server rooms, ie if the analysis by adding alternative and server racks, and more It is considered to be able to make a high energy saving, and further, if the expansion intended for electricity is high outside the data center will be a significant contribution to the energy-saving portion of the air conditioning system.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
the development of information industry, at the same time, the increase of the demand of the data center, the use of full year 45 percent increase. data center power 50% of air conditioning energy make use of 30%, and the efficiency of the cooling equipment of the waste. to solve this problem, in order to save energy cooperation system development and research, in the lively in china is carried out, therefore, this study, the data center's power saving rate can save energy cooperation system and the cooperation system of LCC analysis to economy evaluation system, and the existing cooperation and the cooperation of the city save energy saving compared with the 스템 effect, energy saving the reduction of emissions and CO2 goals.

the research progress of the theory of 1) through the data center component and the existing air conditioning system understanding and analysis of the LCC and understanding.air conditioning system for the research of the economic growth, 2) analysis of the direction of the LCC family matters and the configuration, the configuration of the system save energy cooperation, 3) cooperation system through the analysis of the cost of the project economy analysis and evaluation of the cost of CO2 4) in evaluation of economy and environment the evaluation of the sensitivity analysis, 5) through the economic components. the reliability of the conclusion of the judgment, 6) is carried out in time.
(m: mechanical type, type a: outside air, the outside air AW: cold water cold water cooling, w:

), the results of the analysisthe initial investment costs, installation costs for ‣) compared with the existing air conditioning system, and the system is high. (m: 0.8% a: 11.3%, AW: 11.3% w: 0.8 Multi 11.3%%, higher than the existing system, the ‣), operation cost of the repairs, the use of the existing cooperation system and the system is high. (m: 0.9% a: 15%, 15%, AW: w: 0.8%, Multi: 15%, higher than the existing system.sixty years of operation), the total repairs during the analysis of the results of the annual repairs and similar measures are high to the analysis.

‣ operation cost of replacement cost of the existing system and the cooperation system as high as. (m: 0.8% a: 12%, 12%, AW: w: 0.8%, Multi: 12% higher than the existing system, ‣), operating costs, energy costs, in the existing air conditioning system. the system is more less. (m: 17.6% a: 22.42%, AW:19.29% w: 23.3%, Multi: 44.72% compared with the existing system, the energy saving effect of the system.). during the 60 years of cumulative energy cost analysis of the results of the annual repair costs, and similar compared to the existing system to reduce system, analysis.

‣ according to the contents of more than 60 years, the operation of each air conditioning system is assumed, and the existing system, compared with the 1, 1 _ mechanical cooperation system is the 12.1%2) the second external air for cooling _ cooperation system is about 13.6%, 3) the outside air water sharing system about 11.3%, 4) water cooling system of the cooperation 17.2%, 5) Multi cooperation system is the 31.2%, according to the analysis of the economy.

‣ cooling system in the CO2 cost standard of environmental protection performance evaluation of the cooperation system, the mechanical 0.73%, the air cooling system 0.93% outside air cooperation, cooperation 0.83% water system, water cooling or air conditioning system 0.96%, Multi 조스 project is 1.87%. a variety of results.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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