the development of information industry, at the same time, the increase of the demand of the data center, the use of full year 45 percent increase. data center power 50% of air conditioning energy make use of 30%, and the efficiency of the cooling equipment of the waste. to solve this problem, in order to save energy cooperation system development and research, in the lively in china is carried out, therefore, this study, the data center's power saving rate can save energy cooperation system and the cooperation system of LCC analysis to economy evaluation system, and the existing cooperation and the cooperation of the city save energy saving compared with the 스템 effect, energy saving the reduction of emissions and CO2 goals.
the research progress of the theory of 1) through the data center component and the existing air conditioning system understanding and analysis of the LCC and understanding.air conditioning system for the research of the economic growth, 2) analysis of the direction of the LCC family matters and the configuration, the configuration of the system save energy cooperation, 3) cooperation system through the analysis of the cost of the project economy analysis and evaluation of the cost of CO2 4) in evaluation of economy and environment the evaluation of the sensitivity analysis, 5) through the economic components. the reliability of the conclusion of the judgment, 6) is carried out in time.
(m: mechanical type, type a: outside air, the outside air AW: cold water cold water cooling, w:
), the results of the analysisthe initial investment costs, installation costs for ‣) compared with the existing air conditioning system, and the system is high. (m: 0.8% a: 11.3%, AW: 11.3% w: 0.8 Multi 11.3%%, higher than the existing system, the ‣), operation cost of the repairs, the use of the existing cooperation system and the system is high. (m: 0.9% a: 15%, 15%, AW: w: 0.8%, Multi: 15%, higher than the existing system.sixty years of operation), the total repairs during the analysis of the results of the annual repairs and similar measures are high to the analysis.
‣ operation cost of replacement cost of the existing system and the cooperation system as high as. (m: 0.8% a: 12%, 12%, AW: w: 0.8%, Multi: 12% higher than the existing system, ‣), operating costs, energy costs, in the existing air conditioning system. the system is more less. (m: 17.6% a: 22.42%, AW:19.29% w: 23.3%, Multi: 44.72% compared with the existing system, the energy saving effect of the system.). during the 60 years of cumulative energy cost analysis of the results of the annual repair costs, and similar compared to the existing system to reduce system, analysis.
‣ according to the contents of more than 60 years, the operation of each air conditioning system is assumed, and the existing system, compared with the 1, 1 _ mechanical cooperation system is the 12.1%2) the second external air for cooling _ cooperation system is about 13.6%, 3) the outside air water sharing system about 11.3%, 4) water cooling system of the cooperation 17.2%, 5) Multi cooperation system is the 31.2%, according to the analysis of the economy.
‣ cooling system in the CO2 cost standard of environmental protection performance evaluation of the cooperation system, the mechanical 0.73%, the air cooling system 0.93% outside air cooperation, cooperation 0.83% water system, water cooling or air conditioning system 0.96%, Multi 조스 project is 1.87%. a variety of results.
the above content, comprehensive view, mechanical cooperation system 13.62%, the air cooling system 14.56% outside air cooperation, cooperation 12.13% water system, water cooling or air conditioning system 18.09%, the Multi cooperation project is 32.09% Multi cooperation system to reduce the effect of and to determine the future.
, the high efficiency of the server. the server is the back of the car, that is, to add on to a higher energy saving effect can be 되며 to feed, addition, the electric power is high, the expansion, the cooperation system of data center energy saving a lot of time on this part of the can.
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