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번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
AMS is a Central Institute for mind control.In their laboratory had Hillary Clinton, Carvey car, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.Their research is rejuvenation.The 60-year-old mind control by 40-year-old.He returns around the 40-year-old memory.In fact turn off the 60 years of memories from the 40-year-old.So who is 40 years of age.The history of CIA Torture was published.Such torture was done 20 years ago.Age 20 years younger.If the tester was CIA manBegins to torture.Terrorist coup and relations.Should be pursued urgently.AMS has two meanings.Allegory Manipulate SystemIt is what connects the human brain and machine.Advanced Mindcontroll SystemIs to dominate your opponent 's brain using microwave and medicine as a pre-emptive strike./ / /It is the events at Jonestown in Guyana South America in 1978. Also in the movie.It is a cult will collapse in drug and sex. Last committed suicide in that incident. The number of deaths is 900 people eventually. Also in cases of mind control. A similar incident occurred recently./ / /About Falun GongSimilar to Aum Supreme Truth and the fact might be different.VX gas was used in the case of parrots is one of America 's poison gas weapons. Recording around 1970, was developed by America. May become a problem if the United States had been involved, parrots and Falun Gong officials be put to death./ / / / /China Falun Gong, said the healthy one.It is similar to Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong health method.Organs of Falun Gong related cases.But in fact even the possibility that organ trafficking by the Government.The business of buying and selling organs.You may power their organ transplants for doing such an act.Possible acts of terrorism as the U.S. Government 's new strategy aimed at religious organizations./ / / / / / /Researchers from the mind control of the American Research Institute, moved to the British Institute (Tavistock Institute).His brainwashing is not unlocked yet.Because when America didn 't.He was the only one who spins./ / / / /1970 incident also occurred recently.Happen to such an event would rejuvenate 45 years age it makes sense.There are also incidents of radioactive contamination of the Bikini Atoll.There were people at that time, in Japan and the neighbouring islands exposed to radiation experiments.However there are said to be in relation to currents such as the United States bombed Japan five times more radiation.Currently in North Korea developed the hydrogen bomb.They said a bomb 1,000 times more powerful hydrogen bomb.It seems as if it has been used in Asia and America disintegrates in radiation./ / / / / /All may cause runaway mind control weapons.You must stop the runaway mind control weapons around the world is a top priority.I think U.S. Special forces still dominate the mind control weapons.Special forces all over the world. Please make sure./ / / / / /Special operations forces (SO COM). Special operations in chargeHeadquarters, United States Special Operations Command7701 Tampa Point Boulevard MacDill Air Force Base, Florida 33621Established at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.Http: / / www.SOCOM.mil / default.aspxLieutenant-General and appointed Supreme Commander SOCOOM, belonging to the SOF (special operations forces).Imperium in all air forces.Army special operations command (USASOC) of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.Navy special operations forces (NAVSPECWARCOM) of the State of California.Florida, Hurlbert Field Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).Joint special operations command in Fort Bragg base in North Carolina.The NCA (military Supreme war guidance department) and in the operational field have established local commanders./ / / /The location of the six regional headquartersNorfolk to Atlantic special operations headquarters (SOCACOM)Special operations command Central (SOCCENT)Faichnger (Germany) European special operations headquarters (SOCEUR)Smith (Hawaii). Pacific special operations headquarters (SOCPAC)Dragon Mountain (Korea) Republic of Korea special operations headquarters (SOCKOR)Miami (USA) Southern army special operations headquarters (SOCSOUTH)/ / / / /CIA special operations group (CIA Special operation group)CIA Special activities unit (Special Activities Division)Activities★ sabotageDestruction activities★ personnel and material recoveryPersonnel and specific recovery★ kidnappingKidnapping★ bomb damage assessmentBomb attack performance evaluation★ hostage resuceHostage rescue★ counter terrorismRetaliatory terrorismTo...,...,...,...,...
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