Concept 1. Abstract많은 수의 Artwork와 Design 작업들은 다양한 방식, 방법 그리고 체계화된 규칙들에 번역 - Concept 1. Abstract많은 수의 Artwork와 Design 작업들은 다양한 방식, 방법 그리고 체계화된 규칙들에 영어 말하는 방법

Concept 1. Abstract많은 수의 Artwork와 D


1. Abstract
많은 수의 Artwork와 Design 작업들은 다양한 방식, 방법 그리고 체계화된 규칙들에 의해 만들어진다. 그것들은 오랜 시간을 거치는 동안 반복되고 다듬어진 다양한 방식들의 혼합이다. 그것은 관습적인 규칙에 의해 이루어지기도 하지만, 때로는 불규칙적이고 규범을 벗어난 방법들과 혼합된 MixPool의 형태를 이루기도 한다. 또한 그것들은 당 시대의 주류를 이루고 있는 기술적인 유행에 따른 방식들을 적극적으로 도입하고 적용하기도 한다. 그리고 흔치 않은 경우 혁신적인 방식에 의지하여 새로운 흐름을 만들어 내기도 한다. 이러한 현상들은 그 당시에서는 정의내리기 힘든 경우가 많으며, 이 후로 존속 혹은 폐기 될지에 대한 것은 그 시대로서는 알 수 없다. 마찬가지로 대부분의 창작과정이 그러하듯이 이러한 과정들 또한 변화 발전 해나간다. 즉, 모든 창작과정은 환경에 맞추어 시기와 장소에 따라 변화하고 발전한다.

이 Project는 모든 제작 과정에서 Application의 개발과 함께 진행한다. 전체적인 진행과정은 전통적인 방식과는 다른 Programming Design Process에 기반을 둔다. 최종적으로 만들어진 Application은 추상적인 예술 창작물과 Parametric Design 작업을 목적으로 한다.

여기서 소개되는 과정과 결과물들은 서로 이질적인 두 가지 개념 즉, Design 그리고 Application, 이 두 가지가 어떻게 창작과정에서 결합되고 진행될 수 있는가에 대한 실험과 실제 제작 과정이다. 이 작업은 연속적이고 복합적인 과정이어서 각각의 개별적인 Application의 완성만을 위한 것이 아니다. 하나의 독립된 Application 의 완성과정은 다른 Process에 영향을 주며 다른 Idea들과 함께 발전 되어가는 과정을 의미한다. 40개 이상의 Application의 제작 과정을 통해 다양한 기술적인 면들과 창작과정에 대한 실험이 진행되었고, 그에 대한 결과물로서 대표적인 8개의 작업을 소개한다.

Application 이란 독립된 기능과 목적을 가진 하나의 프로그램을 의미한다. 대부분의 경우, 그 목적은 Programm의 내장된 기능을 이용하여 원하는 결과물을 만들어 내는 것이다. 예를 들어 Word Processor를 이용하여 문서를 만들어 내고 또는 Photoshop을 이용하여 Image를 편집하고 출력하는 것 등이다.

그러나 이 작업에서의 Application이 의미하는 바는 다르다. 결과물을 목적으로 하지 않으며 또한 하나의 목적을 위한 결과물을 만드는 것이 아니다. 입력되는 Data와 수학적인 함수 그리고 변수에 의한 변화 발전 가능한 결과물을 만들어 내도록 하는 것이다. 이것은 기존의 Application이 가지고 있는 개념과는 상반되어 보인다. 이러한 방식은 전통적인 Generative Design과 상당히 유사하다. 여기서 중요한 사항은 Parametric적인 값들을 광범위한 데이터 혹은 실시간으로 변화하는 Object등에서 가져오고 Algolithm 과 숫자에 의한 Design을 만들어 가는 점이다.

이 작업에서 그 결과물을 만들기 위한 과정은 정형화된 방식으로 진행 되지 않는다. Programming Design Process 개념을 바탕으로 한다. 작업 과정, 그것과 더불어 만들어진 Application 그리고 그 Application으로 만들어진 결과물, 이 세 가지를 전체적인 하나의 과정으로 합친 것이 Programming Design Process 이다.

2. Programming Design Process
Programming Design Process는 다음처럼 정의내릴 수 있다.

여기에 소개되어질 Application들의 개발은 일반적인 개발 방식이 아닌 총합된 방식이다. Idea, 기획 그리고 테스트로 반복되는 나선형 과정이 아닌, 하나의 총합적인 방식을 이루고, 다양한 Design, 미적, 추상적 기호와 개념 그리고 기술적인 총합등이 총체적으로 포함된 과정이다. 최종적으로 이들의 종합된 결과물로써 하나의 Application이 만들어진다. 개발된 Application은 어떠한 결과물들을 만들어 낼 수 있으며, 또한 반대로 다른 프로세스의 기본적인 Idea가 되기도 한다.

이러한 Application을 이용하는 것은 결과물들을 만들어 내는 것과 동시에 서로 다른 요소들간의 연결되는 작업 과정을 만들 수 있게 된다. 이것은 마치 전체적인 과정을 하나의 실험적인 과정으로 만들며 그와 동시에 다른 과정과 연결되도록 하여 다양한 방식의 결과물을 만들어 내는 것과 같다.

3. Examples
1950년대와 1970년대의 컴퓨터 그래픽 연구들은 다양한 형식과 기능들의 실험의 장이었다. 이 Project은 70년대의 컴퓨터를 이용한 Algorithm 그래픽 연구의 초기와 유사하다. 그 당시의 연구 과정은 다양한 전자 기기들을 이용한 실험적인 요소이기도 하였고, 그를 바탕으로 다양한 혁신적인 결과물과 과정을 만들어 낼 수 있었다. 이 Project 에서도 다양한 최신 기술들을 바탕으로 여러 기존의 과정들을 새로운 방식으로 표현하고 적용하는 것이다.

과거의 몇 가지 작품들의 예를 보면, 아래의 두 개의 그림은 초기 아날로그 컴퓨터에 의한 컴퓨터 아트이다. 컴퓨터를 이용하여 기본적인 수치와 계산에 의한 작품을 만들어 내기 시작한 초기의 결과물들이다. 이것의 의의는 전혀 어울리지 않을 것 같은 이질적인 데이터 혹은 요소가 서로 하나의 Platform상에서 연결될 수 있다는 것이다. 이 그림에서는 바로 전압차에 의한 변화 그리고 Random Function의 변화되는 값을 다른 형태로 변환한 것이다. 즉 서로 다른 목적을 가진 데이터들을 교환하여 새로운 형태을 만들어 내는 것이다. 이러한 변환 방식은 그 당시로서는 독특하고 혁신적인 과정이었다.

a. Early Works

두 개의 웨이브의 전압차에 의한 합성을 보여 준다.
Random 함수로 무수히 많은 사각형의 Image를 만들어 낸다. Random 함수에 의한 Generative로 만들어진 작품의 일부분이다.

b. Nam June Paik
Nam June Paik은 1967 - 1968 년 Etude 작업을 할 당시, Fortran 프로그램으로 아래와 같은 그림을 그렸다. 그가 벨 전화연구소(Bell Telephone Laboratories)에서 방문Artist로 일하면서 수행한 컴퓨터 실험중 일부이다. 은 NamJun Paik이 벨 연구소의 아날로그 컴퓨터 GE–600을 사용하여 프로그래밍한 Fortran으로 만든 Electronic Drawing을 포함한 미완성 작품이다.

프린트된 코드 위의 적혀진 작가의 메모이다.

디지털 초기의 아트 작업들을 모아둔 사이트를 소개한다.

c. ReCode
이러한 작업들의 연장선에서 2013년과 2015년 Creative Coding Group의 몇몇 Member들이 70년대 컴퓨터 그래픽 작품들을 Processing 과 openFrameworks 등의 Creative Coding Programming으로 재현하였다. 이 과정은 모두 Online 으로 작품들을 모집하여 전 세계의 Artist와 Designer들에게서 다양한 코드들을 수집할 수 있었다. 그리고 모집된 코드와 전시 과정이 모두 공개되었다.

SFPC 의 전시 장면 : 이 전시는 실시간 (Periscope Service) 으로 중계되었다.

4. Keyword of the Creative by Programming
Creative Coding의 기본 개념은 1990년대 중반 John Maeda 의 “Design by Numbers“에서 출발한다. 이전의 작업으로는 1968년의 Douglas Engelbart의 기념비적인 Demo 필름인 “The Mother of All Demos”와 1970년대의 컴퓨터 Interface의 초기의 작업에서도 그에 대한 초기 Idea를 확인 할 수 있다. John Maeda 에 의해 이것은 구체적인 개념과 실제로 동작하는 프로그램으로 발전될 수 있었다. 그는 그의 저서 “Design by Numbers" 에서 숫자와 수학을 기본으로한 Design과 예술 작업의 혁신적인 단초를 제시하였다.

2001년 Casey Reas 와 Benjamin Fry 가 Java를 기반으로 한 Processing Programming Toolkit을 개발하였다. 그 이후로 Designer와 Artist를 위한 Frameworks 혹은 Library을 바탕으로 한 Creative Coding 방식들이 만들어지게 된다. 이 방식들은 기존의 프로그래밍 언어에 기반하여 개발되었기 때문에 초기에는 프로그래머와의 협력이 중요하였다. 2004년도 부터는 Processing (Java)과 openFrameworks (C++), Cinder (C++)등이 MIT, NYU, Parsons Arts School등의 Arts Design School등을 중심으로 발전하게 된다.

이러한 발전과 더불어 Creative Coding은 Open-source 운동과 연결되었다. 많은 수의 프로그래머, Artist 등이 Creative Coding Source Code를 온라인 상에서 공유하였고 서로 협력하여 발전 시키게 된다. 이러한 발전의 바탕에는 Linux 를 제창한 Linus Torvalds에 의해 개발된 Git (Source Code Management System) 이 큰 역활을 하였다. 이로써 개발자와 Artist들이 서로의 코드와 개발 사항, 문의등을 시간과 장소의 제약 없이 온라인을 통해 가능하게 되었다.

5. Eyewriter
가장 대표적인 Creative Coding과 협력에 의한 Artwork 중의 하나를 소개한다.

Eyewriter Project 는 2003년 사고를 당하여 작업을 할 수 없는 graffiti writer (TEMPTONE) 에게 눈동자의 움직임만으로 그림을 그릴 수 있는 기구와 소프트웨어를 제작해주기 위한 소규모 프로젝트이다. 그 당시 눈동자의 움직임을 인식하고 컨트롤러로 사용 가능한 기기들의 제작은 큰 비용과 많은 수의 개발 인원을 필요로 하였다. 그러나 이 모임에서 소수의
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Concept 1. AbstractA large number of Artwork and Design work in different ways, and made by an organized set of rules. It is being repeated for a long time through a variety of approaches is a mix of manicured. It is also done by the rules of customary, but sometimes irregular and did not meet the norms of how to achieve a form of mixed with MixPool. In addition, they are in the mainstream of the times per technical fashion, resulting in a way is actively introduced and applied. And if you are going on in innovative ways to create a new flow. These things are often hard to make the definition at that time, this will be the surviving or disposed of after that came about is unknown. Similarly, most of the creative process, as these courses are also changing. In other words, all the creative process on the environment are changing depending on the time period and place.This Project is in the process of with the development of all the Authoring Application. The whole process is based on the traditional Design Process with other Programming methods. Finally, the Application is an abstract art creations and made Parametric Design work.This is a heterogeneous process deliverables are being introduced to each other, i.e. the two concepts, Design and Application, these two are combined in the creative process and how it can be experimented on and the actual production process. This work is continuous and complex process, followed by each of the individual is not only for the completion of the Application. The course is the completion of one independent Application affects another Process with the other Idea development means the process of going. More than 40 Application creation process through a variety of technical and creative process was underway to experiment on, he is a representative in the result for eight operations.Application and with the objective of independence is one of the Iran program. In most cases, its purpose is to use the built-in functionality of the Programm you want to create a deliverable. For example, a Word Processor document created using or Photoshop to edit and use the Image output.However, this Application of the means from the bar is different. The results are not for the purpose of creating a deliverable for a single purpose also. Data is entered and one of the mathematical functions and variables, changing would be to generate output as possible. This is inconsistent with the concept of the existing Application. This is quite similar to traditional Design and Generative. The important thing here is that an extensive Parametric values are changing in real time the data or Object gets in one of a number made the Design with Algolithm is.In this task the result the process for creating a standard is not the way to proceed. Programming should be based on the concept Design Process. Course of action, it was created with the Application and that the Application was built as one of the deliverables, together with the whole process of these three would be a Programming Design Process.2. Programming Design ProcessProgramming can make the Design Process defined as follows:. Here is an introduction to the development of common Application development in a way that is not the way the totality. Idea, planning and testing for non-repeating spiral process, an approach the totality of variety, and one of Design, aesthetic, technical, such as abstract symbols and concepts, and the total amount is included as a whole. Finally made their return one Application is synthesized. The developed Application, you can make any results, contrary to the basic Idea of the process is also different.Using this Application is to generate results and at the same time, the connection between different elements will be able to make the process work. It's as if the whole process is one of the experimental process to create at the same time, other courses and a wide variety of ways to connect the output generated.3. ExamplesIn the 1950 's and the 1970 's computer graphics research experiments of various types and functions chapter. This Project is a study of the ' 70s, computer-assisted Algorithm is similar to the early days of the graphic. At that time, the research process is used in a variety of electronic devices is also based on the experimental elements, a variety of innovative deliverables could make the process. This Project is based on the latest technologies in several existing courses to express and enforce in a new way.An example of some of the works of the past, an early analog computer, two pictures below of computer art. Computer works of basic figures and counting started early generate output. This will not fit at all of such a heterogeneous Platform data or elements can be connected on each one. This illustration shows just one of the changes in the voltage difference and Random Function converts the value to another form of change. In other words, for the purpose of exchanging data with each other to create a new form. These conversion approach at that time was a unique and innovative process.a. Early Works One of the two wave voltage in the car shows the synthesis.Random Image of the rectangle as a function of the myriad. One of the Random function is part of the work was created as a Generative.b. Nam June PaikNam June Paik is a 1967-1968 Etude at the time, do the following Fortran program painted a picture. He was the Bell telephone laboratories (Bell Telephone Laboratories) working as a visiting Artist in some of the computer performing the experiment. Is this an analog computer, Bell Labs GE NamJun Paik – Fortran Programming using 600 made of unfinished work, including the Electronic Drawing.The printed code above is the author's note of Jin stated.Digital collection of early art work site.c. ReCodeThese tasks are an extension of Creative Coding in 2013 and 2015, some Member of the Group who in the ' 70s works of computer graphics Processing and openFrameworks recreate as a Creative Coding, such as Programming. This process is all Online and raise them to work as Artist and Designer of the world from them could collect a variety of codes. And all the code and display the recruitment process was made public.The exhibition of the SFPC scene: in this showcase was broadcast live (Periscope Service).4. Keyword of the Creative by ProgrammingThe basic concept of Creative Coding in the mid-1990s, John Maeda's "Design by Numbers". Douglas Engelbart of the previous work of the 1968 Demo film "The Mother of All Demos" and the task of the early days of the 1970s computer Interface also make an initial Idea about him. This is a specific concept, by John Maeda actually could be developed into a program that works. He and his book "Design by Numbers" from the numbers and do the math based on a glimpse of innovative Design and art work.In 2001, Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry is a Java-based Toolkit for Programming development Processing. Since then, Designer and Artist based on the Frameworks or Library for Creative Coding method are made. This approach is based on their existing programming language developed in the early years of programmers and because cooperation is important. Beginning in FY 2004 Processing (Java) and openFrameworks (C ++), Cinder (C ++), MIT, NYU, Parsons School of Design Arts Arts School as developed.In addition to these advancements and Creative Coding is a Open-source movement and was connected. A large number of programmers, such as Source Code, and Coding Creative Artist in online sharing and collaboration evolves with each other. Based on of these developments is a Linus Torvalds Linux, developed by my window to Git (Source Code Management System) was a big role. This ensures that the developer and Artist, contact their code and development matters, including time and place was made possible through online without constraints.5. EyewriterOne of the most popular Creative Coding and cooperation one of the Artwork.Eyewriter Project suffered an accident in 2003 can't do graffiti writer (TEMPTONE), the operator of the pupils to be drawn into making the equipment and software for a small project. At that time, the pupils aware of the movement of the Controller made of available instruments is a big cost and a large number of development personnel. However, the meeting apparently
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Concept 1. Abstract number of Artwork Design and operation are made ​​by a variety of methods, and how a structured rule. They are a mix of many different ways through most Jin repeated and refined over time. It made ​​accentuated by customary rules, but sometimes irregular and also achieve the methods and forms of mixed MixPool beyond the norm. In addition, they should also actively introduced in the manner according to the technical fashion with a mainstay of each period, and apply. By relying on innovative and unusual ways also to create a new flow if you do. These symptoms are often difficult to define in the making at that time, since it is about whether or dispose of existence is unknown as the era. Like most of the creative process as this goes true Hannah development of these processes also change. In other words, all the creation process is changed according to time and place and developed according to the environment. The Project proceeds from any production process, with the development of the Application. Overall process is the traditional way and is based on different Programming Design Process. Application ultimately made ​​is the purpose of abstract art creations and Parametric Design work. The process and the results to be introduced are mutually heterogeneous two concepts, namely, Design and Application, on how the two can you proceed and combined in the creative process for experiments and the actual production process. This is a continuous and complex process followed not just for the completion of each individual Application. Application of an independent completion process means a process affects the other thin Process been developed with other Idea. Through the production process of more than 40 Application was conducted experiments on a variety of technical aspects and the creation process, and introduces an exemplary eight tasks as a result thereof. Application means a single program with a separate function and purpose. In most cases, the purpose is to use the built-in capabilities of Programm produce the desired result. For example, the editing and the like to output an Image creating a document using the Photoshop or using the Word Processor. However, the meaning of the bar for Application in the operation is different. Not for the purpose of the result is also not to make the output for the one object. Data and mathematical functions that enter and to change to produce a viable outcome of the variables. This seems contrary to the concept and with the existing Application. This approach is quite similar to traditional Generative Design. The important thing is that import etc. Parametric Object to change the values ​​in a wide range of real-time data or of making the Algolithm and Design by Numbers process for making the results from this work will not proceed to a formal manner. Programming Design Process is based on a concept. Course of action, and the results made ​​Application Application made ​​with it, and it is Programming Design Process combines the three into one overall process. 2. Design Process Programming Programming Design Process can be defined as follows: Development of Application to be introduced here is the sum of the way rather than the usual development approach. Idea, planning and process rather than spiral repeated tests, fulfilling one of the sum manner, a variety of Design, concept and aesthetic, technical and abstract symbols, such as the total process is included in the total. Finally it made ​​one of their Application as a comprehensive result. Application can be developed to produce any of outcomes, and also contrast also with the basic Idea of the other processes. The use of this Application is able to create a workflow that is connected between the different elements while at the same time to produce the result. It is equivalent to that created by the product of a number of ways so that if makes the whole process as a single experimental procedure the same time connected to the other processes. 3. Examples the 1950's and 1970's were the study of computer graphics field experiments of various forms and functions. The Project is similar to the beginning of the study using computer graphics Algorithm of the 1970s. Studies course at that time was also a factor experiment with a variety of electronic devices, could produce a wide range of innovative outcomes and processes based on him. The Project will be represented in the various existing processes based on a variety of new ways to apply the latest technology. In the example of some of the works of the past two figures below are based on the early computer art analog computer. Using computers are starting to produce initial results of the work by the basic figures and calculations. Its significance is that the data or a heterogeneous element such as will not fit at all be connected on a single Platform each other. In this figure, one will immediately convert the changes and changes in the value Random Function due to voltage differences in other forms. In other words, to create new hyeongtaeeul to exchange data with a different purpose. This conversion method at that time was a unique and innovative process. Ares. Early Works 
illustrates the synthesis according to the voltage difference between the two waves. Creates an Image of a rectangle with a myriad of Random Function. It is part of the work made ​​of a Generative by Random Function. B. June Paik Nam Nam June Paik's 1967 to 1968 at the time of the Etude work, painted in the following Fortran program. He is part of a computer experiment performed while working as a visiting Artist at the Bell Telephone Laboratories (Bell Telephone Laboratories).

Is an unfinished work, including NamJun Paik the Electronic Drawing made ​​with programmed Fortran using an analog computer GE-600 in Bell Labs. The notes jeokhyeojin author of the printed code. About the Site a collection of digital earliest art work and. c. ReCode Several Member of the Creative Coding Group 2013 and 2015 as an extension of these actions have been reproduced in the 70's computer graphics work such as Creative Coding Programming and Processing openFrameworks. This course is all recruited to work in Online was able to collect a variety of code from the Designer Artist and around the world. And the public was recruited both code and display process. Exhibit scene of SFPC:. The exhibition was relayed in real time (Service Periscope) 4. Keyword of the Creative by Programming The basic concept of Creative Coding is from "Design by Numbers" in the mid-John Maeda 1990's. The previous work is also the beginning of work on the computer Interface Demo of the monumental films of Douglas Engelbart in 1968 "The Mother of All Demos" in the 1970s and early Idea can check for it. This could be developed into a program specific concepts and actually operating by John Maeda. He is in his book "Design by Numbers" in numbers and mathematical base as a Design and Art work of innovative glimpse presentation was 0.2001 years Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry is Java-based to one Processing Programming Toolkit development was. Since then, becomes Creative Coding way one based on the Frameworks or the Library for the Designer and Artist that created this way have since been developed based on traditional programming languages ​​initially was important to cooperate with the programmer. Processing (Java) Starting in 2004, and openFrameworks (C + +), Cinder (C + +), such as the MIT, NYU, Parsons Arts School, including the Arts Design School, such as a central to the development to be these developments and in addition Creative Coding is Open-source movement and the connection was. many of programmer, Artist, etc. Creative Coding Source Code online on shared was another collaboration with developing thereby is. these developments on the desktop for Linux to advocate a Linus Torvalds in by developed Git (Source Code Management System) is a big role was. this Artist and developer have been made ​​possible through the online code and development information, such as contact with each other without the constraints of time and place. 5. Eyewriter introduces one of the most representative Artwork by Creative Coding and cooperation. Eyewriter Project in 2003 a small project for a graffiti writer (TEMPTONE) can not do the job by assigning the accident now making instruments and software to draw only the movement of the eyes. production of the time available devices to recognize eye movements, and controllers greater costs and require the development was to a large number of people. However, a few at this meeting

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Concept1. Abstracta number of Artwork and Design work in many different ways, methods and system of rules in the design. they are not for a long time, repeated and concise a way of mixing. it is the practice of the rule of law, to achieve, but also the world and the way of combination of MixPool form as before. they were also the main trend in the use of technology, according to the positive introduction and application. there are rare cases of innovation by new process created it. this phenomenon is that in the definition of difficult in many cases, the existence of the void, not of the age, do not know. as most of the writing process. this process of change and development. that is to say, the whole creation process according to the environment and the changes and development.all the Project production process for development and application. the whole process is a traditional method and the other based on the Programming Design Process. finally, the application has made the abstract art creation and Parametric Design operation for the introduced the results of each process and the heterogeneity of the two kinds of concept and application, that is to say, Design, two kinds of combination, and how in the process of the operation of the can, the actual production process. this process is continuous, the composite of the process, each individual application of the finish to. a single application of the completion of the other Process affect other Idea and common development, go to that process. more than 40. the application of the production process, through a variety of technology and process, the creation of the experiment is carried out, and the results of the water 8, typical of the introduction.application of the function and is independent of a program means. in most cases, for the purpose of the function of the Programm i use the water to want to create. for example, the use of Word Processor document, or Photoshop made use of image editing, and the lamp.however, this work in the application of the it is different. the results for the purpose, and not a purpose in order to make the results of it. the input data and on the function and the parameters of the results of evolution can be created in it. this is a traditional application. the concept of it and see. in this way, the traditional Generative Design and quite similar. this item is of value in Parametric extensive data or real-time changes in the Object. Algolithm and figures to make the Design is points.the results of the work to create a setting of the operation mode. Programming Design Process concept as the basis. at the same time, the process of making this application and the application of the results is made, and the whole world is not a process of the Programming Design Process reunion.2. Programming Design ProcessProgramming Design Process as defined introduces the development of it application is the development of the system is not comprehensive. Idea, planning and testing for repeated the process. one of the ways to achieve a variety of Design, abstract symbols, the united states, and the concept and technology of "generally contains process. the final result of their species to be used to create a water application. the application is developed with water, will be able to do, and the other process"s basic Idea became friends.the application of the results to be made, and at the same time, between the different elements of the work process can be made. this is like the process of an experiment into the process, and at the same time, as far as possible, the other process and the results of various methods to create.3. Examples50"s and 70"s of the twentieth century, the computer graphics research is of the form and function of the experimental field. this is Project 70 of a Algorithm computer graphics
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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