Introduction about festivals in DanjinI’d like to tell you about some  번역 - Introduction about festivals in DanjinI’d like to tell you about some  영어 말하는 방법

Introduction about festivals in Dan

Introduction about festivals in Danjin

I’d like to tell you about some festivals in Dangjin. We have some famous festivals in Dangjin, such as Myeoncheon Azalea Festival, Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival, Gigisi tug of war festival and Hanjin port silchi festival.

Myeoncheon is famous for Dugyeonju, a kind of rice wine. It is made from azalea. It's an alcoholic soft drink and it is very tasty. You can try a taste of it and enjoy during the festival if you want.

At Sunseong, you can walk along the most beautiful cherry blossom road in Dangjin during the Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival. Honestly, we didn't visit the town but I’m sure you can enjoy the most beautiful view.

People in Gigisi began to play tug of war 500 years ago. It is one of the most important treasures in Dangjin. That festival is symbol of harmony and unity of the community. Many people pull two huge ropes which look like a centipede and make a decision who is winner or loser of the war. It is a very fun and interesting game.

Lastly, Hanjin silchi festival is held in Hanjin port. Many people sell and eat silchi during spring season. They do many performance and advertisement about silchi.

Why don’t you come and see these beautiful festivals in Dangjin?
Come to Dangjin! We are always welcome you.

Thank you for listening.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Introduction about festivals in DanjinI'd like to tell you about some festivals in Dangjin. We have some famous festivals in Dangjin, such as Myeoncheon Azalea Festival, Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival, Gigisi tug of war festival and Hanjin port silchi festival.Myeoncheon is famous for Dugyeonju, a kind of rice wine. It is made from azalea. It's an alcoholic soft drink and it is very tasty. You can try a taste of it and enjoy during the festival if you want. At Sunseong, you can walk along the most beautiful cherry blossom road in Dangjin during the Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival. Honestly, we didn't visit the town but I'm sure you can enjoy the most beautiful view. People in Gigisi began to play tug of war 500 years ago. It is one of the most important treasures in Dangjin. That festival is symbol of harmony and unity of the community. Many people pull two huge ropes which look like a centipede and make a decision who is winner or loser of the war. It is a very fun and interesting game. Lastly, Hanjin silchi festival is held in Hanjin port. Many people sell and eat silchi during spring season. They do many performance and advertisement about silchi. Why don't you come and see these beautiful festivals in Dangjin?Come to Dangjin! We are always welcome you.Thank you for listening.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
About Danjin. Festivals in Introduction I'd been like to About The tell you some. Festivals in Dangjin. Have some Famous. Festivals in Dangjin We, the AS Myeoncheon Such Azalea Festival, the Cherry Blossom Festival and Sunseong plum, Gigisi TUG of WAR Hanjin Port Festival and Festival silchi. Myeoncheon is Famous for Dugyeonju, Rice ares of the Wine Original Korean kind. It is made ​​from azalea. It's an alcoholic soft drink and it is very tasty. Taste of the CAN IT and the try ares You Enjoy The Festival during the IF you Want. The At Sunseong, the CAN you The Walk along the Most beautiful Dangjin during the Cherry Blossom Road in the Cherry Blossom Festival and The Sunseong plum. Honestly, we didn't visit the town but I'm sure you can enjoy the most beautiful view. People in Gigisi began to play tug of war 500 years ago. It is one of the most important treasures in Dangjin. That festival is symbol of harmony and unity of the community. Many people pull two huge ropes which look like a centipede and make a decision who is winner or loser of the war. The Very Fun and interesting Game No. of ares is IT. Lastly, silchi Festival is held in Hanjin Hanjin Port. Many people sell and eat silchi during spring season. And the Advertisement About the Performance silchi do a many They. Why do not you Come and See these beautiful. Festivals in Dangjin? Come to Dangjin! The Always Welcome the you are We. Thank you for Listening.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Introduction about festivals in Danjini "d like to tell you about some festivals in Dangjin. We have some famous festivals in Dangjin, such as Myeoncheon Azalea festival, Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival, Gigisi tug of war festival and Hanjin silchi festival port.Myeoncheon is famous for Dugyeonju in of rice, a red wine. it is made from azalea. it "s an alcoholic drink them are soft and it is tasty. you can try a taste of it and enjoy during the festival if you want.At Sunseong, you can walk along the most beautiful cherry blossom road in Dangjin during the Sunseong plum and cherry blossom festival. Honestly, we didn "t visit the town but i "m sure you can enjoy the most beautiful view.People in Gigisi began to play tug ago 500 years of war. it is one of the most important treasures in Dangjin. to festival is symbol of harmony and unity of the community. Many and pull two huge ropes which look like a centipede and make a decision who is winner or loser of the war. it is a interesting them are fun and game.Lastly, Hanjin silchi festival is held in Hanjin port. Many and sell and eat silchi season during spring. They do many performance and advertisement about silchi.why why don"t you come and see the "t these beautiful festivals in Dangjin.Come to Dangjin. We are always welcome.thank you for listening.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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