당귀는 산형과 (미나리과) 에 속하는 참당귀 (Angelica gigas Nakai)의 뿌리를 건조한 것입니다. 당귀는 성질이 번역 - 당귀는 산형과 (미나리과) 에 속하는 참당귀 (Angelica gigas Nakai)의 뿌리를 건조한 것입니다. 당귀는 성질이 영어 말하는 방법

당귀는 산형과 (미나리과) 에 속하는 참당귀 (Angelica

당귀는 산형과 (미나리과) 에 속하는 참당귀 (Angelica gigas Nakai)의 뿌리를 건조한 것입니다. 당귀는 성질이 따뜻하고 무독한 약재로 고혈압, 빈혈, 어혈에 사용하며 그밖에도 진정제, 진통제 강장제로 사용됩니다. 특히, 월경 조절이나 임산부의 출산 전후에 자궁을 튼튼하게 해 주는 작용을 하여 부인병에 널리 사용됩니다. 당사의 당귀추출물(AGNE)은 국내 GAP 인증 참당귀를 원료로 표준화된 고순도 추출법을 적용하여 제조되었으며, 주요 기능성 성분인 데커신(Decursin) 및 데커시놀 안젤레이트(Decursinol angelate)를 다량 함유하고 있습니다.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The mountain ear and per (Apiaceae) that belong to the true danggui (Angelica gigas Nakai) will dry out the roots of. Warm non-medicinal high blood pressure reading through the ear per temper, anemia, blood, and other sedatives, analgesics are used as a tonic. In particular, cross-border control or pregnant women before and after childbirth the uterus durably the that are widely used in gynecological disorders. Our danggui extract (AGNE) is a raw material for the domestic GAP certified true danggui on standardized high-purity extract of the Act has been applied to manufacturing, the main functional component Decker should not play God (Decursin), and Decker: gel rate (Decursinol angelate) high.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]

Angelica is the dried root of the Angelica gigas (Angelica gigas Nakai) and belongs to the Loose (Apiaceae). Angelica warm, non-toxic properties are used in the medicine in hypertension, anemia, and eohyeol else is also used as sedatives, painkillers tonic. In particular, it is widely used in gynecological problems and the action that will strengthen the uterus and regulate the menstrual pregnant women before and after childbirth. Our Angelica extract (AGNE) are national GAP certification has been made by applying a high purity extraction standardize Angelica gigas as raw material, containing the major functional components of Decker much to play Ansel rate (Decursinol angelate) when new (Decursin) and Decker .
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
when the acid type and (umbelliferae) in angelica sinensis (Angelica is gigas Nakai) of roots, dry. the fire was warm and a good medicine for high blood pressure, anemia, blood stasis, in addition to the use of sedation, analgesic supplement will be used. in particular, the effects of the growth of the uterus and to good effect, the spread of the disease of department of gynaecology. the extract of angelica sinensis (AGNE) is the GAP certification is by the standard and purity of the raw material extraction, manufacturing, application, the main functional components. the new (Decursin) and you don't play. the best rate (Decursinol angelate) contains a lot of..
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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