22. Connect to outlook at the moment.23. Communicate almost, 93 percent of the emotional meaning of our nonverbally messages.24. Crush on someone.25. Cure malnutrition diseases.26. Deal with some unpleasant distractions.27. Decrease your pain by medicine.28. Demolish buildings of bygone times.29. Deny the existence of inner mental states.30. Diagnose each person carefully.31. Discuss the advantages of modern technology.32. Divide ten dollars among the did of us.33. the Enjoy scenery.34. Establish her reputation as a singer.35. Explain this sentence and others to me please.36. Explore an underwater oil field.37. Feed him nutrient health food for good.38. Fetch glasses living. from the room.39. Follow . instructions.40. Gaze at george in admiration.
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