박근혜 대통령과 아베 신조 일본 총리가 2일 서울에서 정상회담을 가졌다. 2012년 당시 이명박 전 대통령이 노다 요시히코 총 번역 - 박근혜 대통령과 아베 신조 일본 총리가 2일 서울에서 정상회담을 가졌다. 2012년 당시 이명박 전 대통령이 노다 요시히코 총 영어 말하는 방법

박근혜 대통령과 아베 신조 일본 총리가 2일 서울에서 정상회담을

박근혜 대통령과 아베 신조 일본 총리가 2일 서울에서 정상회담을 가졌다. 2012년 당시 이명박 전 대통령이 노다 요시히코 총리와 정상회담을 가진 지 3년 5개월여 만이다. 박 대통령과 아베 총리 간의 공식 회담은 처음이다.

두 나라 관계는 아베 총리의 역사 역행(逆行)과 이에 대한 박 대통령의 강경 대응으로 1965년 국교 정상화 이후 최악(最惡)이라는 말을 들을 정도로 악화되어 왔다. 이번 회담에서 공동 발표문을 채택하거나 공동 기자회견을 하지 못한 것도 현재 한·일 관계가 얼마나 악화돼 있는지를 보여줬다.

회담 후 손에 잡힐 만한 굵직한 성과가 발표되지 못한 것도 어느 정도 예상됐던 결과다. 두 정상은 최대 현안이자 난제(難題) 중의 난제인 일본군 위안부 문제에 대해 '조기 타결을 위한 협의를 가속화한다'는 선에서 합의했다. 아베 총리는 회담 후 일본 기자들에게 "미래 세대에게 장해(障害)를 남겨선 안 된다"고도 했다. 하지만 말만 있을 뿐 타결 시기, 내용, 방법 등 어느 하나 구체화된 것이 없어 합의라고 하기에도 민망한 수준이다.

아베 총리는 위안부 동원의 강제성을 줄기차게 부정해온 정치인이다. 총리 취임 전에 강제성을 부인하는 연명(連名) 광고를 미국 신문에 내더니 취임 후에는 재검증이라는 방식으로 위안부 강제동원을 인정한 고노 담화를 훼손했다. 정상회담이 지금까지 이뤄지지 못한 것도 아베 총리의 이런 태도가 적지 않게 작용했다고 할 수 있다. 만약 그가 한·일 관계 원상 회복에 조금이라도 진정성을 보이고 싶다면 이번에 합의한 '조기 타결'에 최대한 노력해 매듭지어야 한다.

아베 총리는 "여러 현안에 관해 일본이 말할 것, 주장할 점을 말했다"고 했다. 일본 언론들은 '여러 현안'에 산케이신문 전 지국장 재판 문제, 일제하 강제징용자의 개인 청구권을 인정한 대법원 판결 문제 등이 포함된다고 보도했다. 산케이신문 전 지국장은 박 대통령에 대한 명예훼손 혐의로 실형을 구형받고 1심 판결을 기다리고 있다. 만약 아베 총리가 재판에 영향을 미치겠다는 의도로 이 문제를 거론했다면 이는 우리 사법부의 독립을 침해하는 일이다. 강제징용자에 대한 대법원 판결도 마찬가지다. 일본 정부는 한국 대법원 판결이 1965년 청구권협정 내용과 상충되지 않느냐며 행정부가 나서서 정리해달라는 식의 주장을 해왔다. 이는 일본의 대법원 격인 최고재판소가 내린 판결에 정권이 영향을 미쳐달라는 얘기와 똑같다. 일본은 이런 식으로는 상황만 더 악화시킬 뿐이라는 점을 알아야 한다.

아베 내각은 지난 2년여 동안 '평화헌법'을 사실상 폐기해가면서 집단적 자위권을 확보하고 중국에 대한 경제블록 성격이 짙은 TPP(환태평양경제동반자협정)에도 창설국으로 가입했다. 그러면서 미국 외교가에서 한국이 중국에 경도(傾倒)되고 있다는 식의 인식을 확산시키려 해왔다. 일본은 이런 일들로 인해 일본을 보는 한국인들의 시각에 의구심(疑懼心)이 커지고 있다는 사실을 깨달아야 한다.

[출처] 본 기사는 조선닷컴에서 작성된 기사 입니다
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The President and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe hopes for two days in Seoul, held a summit meeting. Former President Lee Myung-bak, Prime Minister at the time of the 2012 Yoshihiko Noda and three years five months, with the Summit. Park is the first official talks between the President and the Prime Minister Abe.The relationship between the two countries with a history of backing Prime Minister Abe (advantage,) and this puts the President's hardline response for normalizing diplomatic relations since 1965 as the worst (a prime example who) say that to the extent that they have been worse. A joint statement from the talks, a joint press conference to adopt or not the current one, have shown how a relationship that soured.The talks would be caught in the hand after the pause will not announce a performance to some extent as a result had been expected. The two leaders of the current party up challenges (難 題) on the issue of military sexual slavery? ' of the early settlement and speed up consultations for ' agreed line. Abe told reporters after the talks, Japan "chapter to future generations must not leave (障 害)". But only the timing, content, method of settlement which will be called the agreement one have refined to a level which is a shame.Abe has denied the comfort of enforceable incessantly what amounts and politician. The Prime Minister was inaugurated before a mandatory netting denying United States newspaper advertisements (KMT 名) after my inauguration, have acknowledged a comfort in a way that undermined a statement Kono forced mobilization. It is also the Summit did not happen until now, Abe said this attitude quite a lot of work to do. If he did, showing the strength of a relationship if you want a little authenticity to the recovery this time, sought an early settlement ' agreed ' as much as possible of the DPRK.Abe, "many will say, said Japan was about to argue," he said. Japan press ' many ' in the Sankei Shimbun in Japan and forced the former Bureau Chief, trial issues, Gong admitted that the Supreme Court issue a right of the individual employees, reported that. Sankei Shimbun President for the former Director of the night getting accused of libel under the first trial ruling sphere prison sentence awaits. If the Prime Minister Abe in the trial had intended to affect this would have brought up the issue of the independence of the judiciary, this violates our. Compulsory punishment for employers, even the Supreme Court. Japan ruled the Korean Supreme Court in 1965, the Government claims, the Government has no conflict with the agreement and the Administration went ahead and organize the different claims. This is another Supreme Court decision to the Supreme Court of Japan in the regime is talking about and impact. Japan is only the situation worse this way as well, you need to know that.Abe Cabinet during the past two years, the "Peace Constitution" I knew virtually scrapping the right of collective defense and the dark nature of the economic block for TPP People's Republic of China (Pacific Rim economic partnership agreement) constitute the Bureau. In the United States and South Korea in diplomatic circles in the People's Republic of China then hardness (傾 倒) to spread awareness of the expression being. Japan is due to these things and seeing the vision of the Koreans in Japan doubts (疑 懼 心) must realize that this is growing.[Source] this article is an article written in Korean dot com
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Park Geun-hye, President and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a summit in two days in Seoul. 2012 Former President Lee Myung-bak at the time of the three years, only if more than five months with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and summit. The official talks between the foil President and Prime Minister Abe is the first time. The two countries relations are deteriorating so hear the word Abe historical backing of the Prime Minister (逆行) and its about the worst since the hardline response to the 1965 normalization of President Park (最惡) came. The joint statement adopted at the summit, or showed that you did not even present a joint press conference-Japan relationship is much worse can not. It talks after a sizeable enough to be caught in hand and did not announce the result of which was to some extent expected. The two leaders 'consultations for an early conclusion to accelerate the' comfort women issue is for challenge of the greatest problems and challenges (難題) have agreed on the line. Abe "is not an obstacle to leave the line (障害) to future generations" to Japanese reporters after talks had altitude. But malman only be concluded when, contents and methods is embarrassing even to levels that do not agree to either materialized. Abe is the politicians who have persistently denied the compulsory mobilization of comfort women. After the inaugural Prime Minister netting to deny the enforceability before the inauguration (連名) naedeoni advertising in US newspapers has undermined the Kono who appreciate comfort women forcibly mobilized discourse in a way that re-verification. The summit also failed so far yirwojiji that action can be quite a lot of this attitude is Abe. If you want him showing sincerity even a little one-to-one relationship restitution to jieoya knots trying as much as possible in the time agreed "early conclusion". Abe said, "about the many issues Japan is to say, it points to argue." Japanese media have reported that the Sankei Shimbun, including former chief judge issues, such as the Supreme Court has recognized the problem and forced Japan's individual claims drafted in "several issues". Sankei Shimbun former bureau chief receives a sentence of imprisonment in defamation charges against President Park awaits trial verdict. If you Abe discussed this issue with the intention that the cramping effect on the trial which is a violation of the independence of our judiciary. The same is true for the Supreme Court to force drafted parties. South Korea, the Japanese government is there not in conflict with the Supreme Court ruling in 1965 said content claims agreements have been asking the captain of the way the administration went ahead and organize. This is exactly the same as talking about the regime asking the Supreme Court ruling affects the gyeokin the Supreme Court of Japan issued. Japan should know that it is only exacerbate longer in this way only situation Abe Cabinet is going to dispose of fact, in the last two years' peace constitution "ensuring collective self-defense, and economic bloc character dark TPP (exchange for China Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement) also joined as a founding Party. Yet Korea's diplomacy in the United States has been trying to spread awareness of the way that the hardness (傾倒) in China. Japan must realize the fact that a growing skepticism (疑懼心) in the eyes of Koreans in Japan because of watching these things. [Source] This article is an article written in shipbuilding com

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
the benefits of the park, and the japanese prime minister, 2 to keep the summit in seoul. at that time, former president lee myung bak in 2012. the city of lu. the prime minister and president of the more than 3 years 5 months. "the prime minister and the official talks between the

, this is the first time. the relations between the two countries. the history of the prime minister (逆 (by) and is hard to deal with, the use of" the worst of the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1965 (最 惡) is to be increased.the meeting, the conference adopted a joint press conference with the or not, it is a relationship between the deterioration in how to give talks.

, will hand the main achievements: a certain degree of the results is good.. a maximum of two normal cases and difficult problem (難 題) of japan on the issue of "comfort women for early agreement on an agreement to accelerate the" in group to reach an agreement.the prime minister. the later told reporters, "in the future generation block (障 害) should not be left to the" island ". but the only agreement, content, method, which is a specific culture, and also i have told a level.

prime. the use of comfort women forced into surging to political corruption.the prime minister's office before the wife is the life force (連,) the newspaper advertisements in the united states, after the test is in the way of comfort women forced to participate in the conversation that damage. there is so far not to be cut in the prime minister's attitude is not a lot of action. if it is, the restitution of a little town. if you want to see this agreement as a "premature" to work properly in a

.the prime minister ". in many cases the words, that i can do that". the media of the "old" the cake before the president issues a compulsory acquisition, in the individual the right to apply for a court decision problem that includes, according to reports. the former president of the south korean president park's reputation was in prison. i was waiting for the first trial.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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