- 전문건설공제조합은 향후 5년 간 투자계획인 장기 전략적 자산 배분을 수립함. 전략적 자산 배분에는 각 자산군별 투자할 수  번역 - - 전문건설공제조합은 향후 5년 간 투자계획인 장기 전략적 자산 배분을 수립함. 전략적 자산 배분에는 각 자산군별 투자할 수  영어 말하는 방법

- 전문건설공제조합은 향후 5년 간 투자계획인 장기 전략적 자산

- 전문건설공제조합은 향후 5년 간 투자계획인 장기 전략적 자산 배분을 수립함. 전략적 자산 배분에는 각 자산군별 투자할 수 있는 허용 범위가 있으며, 그 허용범위 내에서 1년 단위로 전술적 자산 배분을 수립함.
- 세계 경기 전망, 한국 경기 전망, 자산군 별 전망을 바탕으로 전술적 자산배분을 수립함.
- 2015년 전술적 자산 배분의 경우, 예금 및 단기 유동성 자금 27%, 주식형 펀드 및 신탁 32%, 채권형 펀드 및 신탁 41% 로 배분하였으며, 별도로 대체투자는 투자 금액이 4,000억원을 넘지 않도록 상한을 정해놓고 있음.
- 전문건설공제조합은 예금, 주식형 펀드, 채권형 펀드를 제외한 모든 투자 자산을 대체투자 펀드로 구분하며, 대체투자에는 PEF, 부동산 펀드, 원자재 펀드 등이 있음.
- 해외투자는 펀드를 통하여 간접적으로 투자하는데, 해외관련 투자에는 Korean paper, 해외 은행 발행 note, 해외 부동산 등이 있음.
- 전문건설공제조합은 국내와 해외로 구분하여 별도의 투자 배분을 하지 않고, 지역에 관계없이 기초 자산의 종류에 따라 자산군을 분류함. 해외 투자로 발생하는 환위험 등은 자산운용사에 위임하여 관리하고 있음.

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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
-Invest in the next five years specialty construction Credit Union plans to establish a long-term strategic asset allocation. Strategic asset allocation for each asset composition allows the scope to invest and permitting those in tactical asset allocation 1 year within the scope of the establishment. -World economic forecast, South Korea's prospects, based on tactical asset allocation of assets and establishing a military-specific views.-In the case of tactical asset allocation in 2015, deposits, and short-term liquidity funds 27 percent of stock funds and bond funds, and fiduciary trust 32%, 41%, has been allocated separately, alternative investment, the investment amount does not exceed an upper limit of 4,000 billion requirement. -Professional construction Credit Union deposits, stock funds, bond funds have all but replaced the investment assets of investment funds, alternative investment to the PEF, as well as commodity funds, real estate funds,.-Overseas investment fund to invest indirectly through foreign investment, the Korean paper, issued by the offshore bank note, overseas property, etc. -A combination of domestic and overseas construction specializes in credit sensitive, without a separate investment allocation by region, depending on the type of assets the Foundation assets, regardless of the classification of the military. Overseas investment has risks arising from the asset management company can delegate administration.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
- Professional Construction Financial Cooperative has also established a long-term strategic asset allocation investment plans in the next five years. The strategic asset allocation and investment gunbyeol tolerance to each asset, its acceptable range established a tactical asset allocation on an annual basis within the box.
- World economic outlook, Korea economic outlook, tactical asset on the basis of asset-specific views should develop a distribution.
- For the 2015 tactical asset allocation, liquidity funds and short-term deposits 27% and 32% equity funds and trusts, bond funds and trusts were distributed to 41%, and alternative investments are investments separately exceed KRW 400 billion Place so that the upper limit set.
- Professional Construction Financial Cooperative deposits, equity funds, and distinguish all investment assets except for bond funds as an alternative investment funds, alternative investments, the PEF, real estate funds, commodity funds that are.
- Foreign investments It is to invest indirectly through the Fund, foreign investment, the Korean paper, foreign bank note, international real estate that is.
- Professional Construction Financial Cooperative is not classified as a separate allocation of investment at home and abroad, related to the area Do classification groups according to the type of assets underlying asset without. Such as foreign exchange risk arising from investments that are managed by the asset management and delegation.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
- Construction cooperative plans to invest in the next five years to establish long-term strategic asset allocation. The strategic asset allocation confirm each asset can invest the allowable range, and within the scope of allowed 1 years to establish tactical asset allocation. Back to top
- World Economic Outlook, Outlook, assets are expected to be the star, based on the establishment of a tactical asset allocation. Top
- 2015, tactical asset allocation, deposits and short-term liquidity funds 27 percent, and an equity fund and trust, 32 percentbond funds and trust with 41 percent allocation, and separate the alternative investment amount is 4 000eog not to exceed that limit by targeting its. Top
- Construction cooperative deposit products, equity funds, bond funds, except for the alternative investment funds, investment-sensitive and, in the alternative investment PEF and real estate funds, raw materials, including fund. Top
- overseas investment fund indirectly through investment, foreign investment related to the Korean paper, overseas bank note,That overseas real estate. Back to top
- Construction cooperative domestic and overseas investment by a comma separate distribution, not based on region, regardless of the asset, depending on the type of asset classification. Foreign investment risk, which occurs on the asset management firms that manage came. Top
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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