autistic patient information-processing perspective, there is a problem with other people represented by the gestures of language emotions don't know research shows that Britain. back to top
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Durham University, Anthony Young (Anthony Atkinson autism, said Dr. 13 adult patients conducted experiments, and others are represented by the gesture of anger, happiness, and you don't understand the feelings that have shown BBC online reported on December 5. Top
Dr. Seti, and normal to 16 people with no face, and a person who does not come out to show the animated video of the characters, gestures, and what emotions, judge for the autistic patient Ordered The Rehnquist guessing said. In addition, some of the scattered points clearly left or right direction on a computer screen that shows which direction are asked if moving the patients, as a result of autism hit. Top
Dr. Seti, the processing visual information is the ability to show that there is a problem with the movement is detected by the brain-seek bases on the possibility that more than two features of the furrow. Earlier, the brain parts of the autistic patient reaction is different from normal study was released which, being sentimental, he pointed out. Top
Dr. Atkinson we face of a man who is not only his voice, gestures, posture, and what emotions, as a barometer of the representative should be characterised autism lack of social others to accurately judge the feelings that comes from not affecting said. The research about medical journal published in the latest issue of Psychology. back to top
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