자폐증 환자는 시각정보 처리에 문제가 있어 다른 사람의 몸짓언어가 나타내는 감정을 읽지 못한다는 연구결과가 나왔다.영국 더럼  번역 - 자폐증 환자는 시각정보 처리에 문제가 있어 다른 사람의 몸짓언어가 나타내는 감정을 읽지 못한다는 연구결과가 나왔다.영국 더럼  영어 말하는 방법

자폐증 환자는 시각정보 처리에 문제가 있어 다른 사람의 몸짓언어

자폐증 환자는 시각정보 처리에 문제가 있어 다른 사람의 몸짓언어가 나타내는 감정을 읽지 못한다는 연구결과가 나왔다.

영국 더럼 대학의 앤서니 앳킨슨(Anthony Atkinson) 박사는 자폐증 성인환자 13명을 대상으로 실시한 실험 결과, 다른 사람들이 몸짓으로 나타내는 분노, 행복 등의 감정을 이해하지 못한다는 사실이 밝혀졌다고 말한 것으로 BBC인터넷판이 5일 보도했다.

앳킨슨 박사는 이들과 정상인 16명에게 얼굴이 없고 말을 하지 않는 인물들이 나오는 애니메이션 비디오를 보여주면서 이 인물들의 몸짓을 보고 이들이 어떤 감정인지를 판단하도록 주문한 결과 자폐증 환자들은 알아맞히지 못했다고 밝혔다. 또 흩어진 점들 중 일부가 확연히 오른쪽이나 왼쪽 방향으로 움직이는 컴퓨터 화면을 보여주고 어느 방향으로 점들이 움직이는지를 물은 결과 자폐증 환자들은 맞히지 못했다.

앳킨슨 박사는 이는 시각정보를 처리하는 기능에 문제가 있음을 보여주는 것이라면서 움직임을 감지하는 뇌 부위인 상측두고랑의 기능이상 가능성을 지목했다. 앞서 자폐증 환자는 이 뇌 부위의 반응이 정상인과 다르게 나타난다는 연구결과가 발표된 일도 있다고 그는 지적했다.

애트킨슨 박사는 우리는 다른 사람의 표정이나 목소리만이 아니라 몸짓과 자세를 보고 그 사람이 어떤 감정인지를 가늠한다면서 자폐증의 대표적인 특징인 사회성결여는 다른 사람의 감정을 정확하게 판단하지 못하는 데서 오는 것일지 모른다고 말했다. 이 연구결과는 의학전문지 ‘신경심리학’ 최신호에 실렸다.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Got a problem with the Visual information processing in autism patients, others do not read the emotions that represents the gesture language researchers.University of Durham, United Kingdom Anthony Atkinson (Anthony Atkinson) in adult patients with autism by Dr. 13 tests carried out, others, such as anger, happiness, emotions represented by a gesture not understood is the fact that, according to the Internet Edition of BBC five daily as saying.Atkinson Dr and normal 16 doesn't say the faceless figures showed an animated video that comes out of this looking at these gestures of the characters is a judgment which ordered the results to emotional autism patients did not meet out. Moreover, in contrast to the right or left part of the scattered dots, moving in the direction of the computer screen to show which direction the dots if the water failed to meet autistic patients as a result.Dr. Atkinson is the ability to visually process information showing that there is a problem with noebu that would detect movement and leave the impression that on the side of the possibility over the features were pinpointed. The reaction above this noebu ahead of autistics appear differently than normal findings, released today, he noted.Dr. Atkinson in Aberdeen we are not other people's gestures and postures that look or the only voice reports that if you scale whether anyone has any feelings of autism characterized by a lack of social standing is not judging other people's feelings and accurately employed might be coming from, he said. This study is a medical journal published in the latest issue of nerve psychology '.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Suggests a problem in the visual information processing can not read other people's body language and emotions represent the results of studies of autism patients. Durham University in the United Kingdom Atkinson, Anthony (Anthony Atkinson) conducted by Dr. adult patients with autism 13 people results , indicating a gesture anger other people, BBC reported the Internet edition as saying jyeotdago found five days do not understand the feelings of happiness, such as the fact that Dr. Atkinson is a person that does not say no to these faces and the normal 16 people said they ordered the appraisal to determine what autism patients did not meet the video comes out showing the animation to see the gestures of the figures. Further results of scattered dots autism patients did not meet points are moving in either direction to show clearly moving to the left part of the right side of the computer screen if water is a problem, Dr. Atkinson, which functions to process the visual information, has pointed out the possibility of malfunction of the place with the upper parts of the brain for sensing the movement being a presenting. He pointed out that previously published work appears otherwise normal, and the reaction of the brain areas that research results autism patients. Dr. Wilkinson at-we are only looking at faces and voices of others, but the attitude and gesture which the person is I heard the emotion gauge whether the typical features of autism, said lack of social skills might come from journals that do not accurately judge the feelings of others. Published in the medical journal 'Neuropsychology' This study is the latest issue.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
autistic patient information-processing perspective, there is a problem with other people represented by the gestures of language emotions don't know research shows that Britain. back to top
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Durham University, Anthony Young (Anthony Atkinson autism, said Dr. 13 adult patients conducted experiments, and others are represented by the gesture of anger, happiness, and you don't understand the feelings that have shown BBC online reported on December 5. Top
Dr. Seti, and normal to 16 people with no face, and a person who does not come out to show the animated video of the characters, gestures, and what emotions, judge for the autistic patient Ordered The Rehnquist guessing said. In addition, some of the scattered points clearly left or right direction on a computer screen that shows which direction are asked if moving the patients, as a result of autism hit. Top
Dr. Seti, the processing visual information is the ability to show that there is a problem with the movement is detected by the brain-seek bases on the possibility that more than two features of the furrow. Earlier, the brain parts of the autistic patient reaction is different from normal study was released which, being sentimental, he pointed out. Top
Dr. Atkinson we face of a man who is not only his voice, gestures, posture, and what emotions, as a barometer of the representative should be characterised autism lack of social others to accurately judge the feelings that comes from not affecting said. The research about medical journal published in the latest issue of Psychology. back to top
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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