팀제이는 주거 및 상업시설 부동산과 테마형 부동산의 효율적인개발을 위해 시장조사, 마케팅기획, 사업 시행,사후관리 등 컨설팅과 번역 - 팀제이는 주거 및 상업시설 부동산과 테마형 부동산의 효율적인개발을 위해 시장조사, 마케팅기획, 사업 시행,사후관리 등 컨설팅과 영어 말하는 방법

팀제이는 주거 및 상업시설 부동산과 테마형 부동산의 효율적인개발

팀제이는 주거 및 상업시설 부동산과 테마형 부동산의 효율적인
개발을 위해 시장조사, 마케팅기획, 사업 시행,사후관리 등 컨설팅과
사업관리업무를 종합적으로 수행하는 부동산 글로벌 투자유치 개
팀제이는 세계 시장경제의 변화하는 부동산 시장에서 앞선 노하우와
풍부한 경험을 가지고 창의적이고 진취적인 자세로 수요자의 취향과
소득, 인문적 특성 등을 관찰하고 시장의 동향을 감지함으로써 새로
운 상품을 발굴하며, 다양한 공급자와 협력관계로 사업의 진행 및
시행지원, 판매 대행 등을 종합적으로 수행하는 글로벌기업입니다.

사업의 성공을 최우선 명제로 하여 빠르게 변화하는 부동산 시장을
정확하게 분석, 예측하고 대비하여 언제나 고객 여러분과 함께 신뢰,
도전, 투명성을 가진 책임있는 부동산개발 및 투자유치 대행사로
성장해나갈 것을 약속드립니다.
하나를 위해 열을 준비하는 회사
철저한 연구, 조사와 풍부한 실무경험을 갖춘 각 부문별 전문인력과 기업 이윤의 극대화를 위하여
팀제이그룹이 가진 노하우로 부동산 개발에서부터 기획조사, 분양 임대 및 사후 운영관리까지의 전 단계를
동시에 추구하는 종합 부동산 회사입니다.
전문적인 컨설팅과 조직적이고 체계적인 업무운영관리로 투자수익 창출의 극대화 및
합리적인 운영관리를 지향합니다.
개발사업을 성공으로 이끌 수 있도록 그 특성에 맞게 철저한 조사 연구를 통하여
최유효 개발방향을 수립하고, 잠재고객의 NEED를 분석하여 필요에 의한 충분요소를
채우는 적정개발 시기의 분석 및 의사결정.
입지여건 분석, 유동인구 조사, 주변여건 및 설문조사 등을 통한 1차 사업성 검토를
통하여 이를 토대로 종합적인 Feasibility 분석 및 실태 파악, Marketing 전략 및 사업계획
수립, 성곡적인 사업이 수행될 수 있도록 기본 Planning 및 전략을 수립.
실행단계에 있어서는 사업을 성공적으로 이끌기 위한 Marketing 전략이 일관성있고
지속적이며 체계적으로 유지될 수 있도록 핵심 사업 전략과 다각적 영업전략을 병행,
신속한 대응전략을 수립하여 실행.
중국 홍콩 부동산 상공회의소는 부동산개발사업의 건전한 발전과 디벨로퍼업계의 권익 향상을 위하여 창립되었습니다.
중국 홍콩 부동산 상공회의소는 부동산시장의 건전화와 투명화를 위한 내외 환경여건을 주도적으로 개선하고, 업계의 시장질서를 확립하는 것을 주된 목표로 삼고 있으며, 회원간 다수의 부동산개발 자료를 공유할 수있는 인프라가 구축되어 있는 권위있는 부동산 개발협회입니다. 존 리츠는 중국 홍콩 부동산 상공회의소의 신뢰
할 수 있는 공식 회원입니다.
홍콩 골드코스트 호텔은 시노그룹에 속한 호텔로서 홍콩 1캐슬 피크 로드에 위치한 거대 규모의 호텔입니다. 홍콩골드코스트 호텔은 수많은 경험과 규모에 비례하는 최고의 호텔 서비스를 자랑하며, 홍콩의 대표적인 비즈니스
호텔로서 입지를 다진 호텔입니다. 호텔을 소유하고 있는 시노그룹 역시도 홍콩 내 7개, 싱가폴 내 3개의 호텔을운영중인 거대한 그룹이며, 존 리츠는 홍콩 골드코스트 호텔의 공식 에이전시 협의중에 있으며, 국내 비즈니스
호텔 시장을 선두하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.
인천 골드코스트 호텔은 인천 수인선 호구포역 도보 2분 거리에 있는 비즈니스 호텔입니다.
영종도 카지노와송도국제도시, 남동산업단지 등 글로벌 비즈니스의 중심지에 위치한 호텔로서, 카지노의 최대 수혜지역으로
예상되는 지리적 이점을 보유한 국제 비즈니스 호텔입니다. 향후 카지노 및 리조트 산업이 활성화되었을 때,중국 관광객들의 풍족한 수요가 끊임없이 밀려들 것으로 추측되는 전망 밝은 비즈니스 호텔입니다. 팀제이는
골드코스트 호텔의 운영사입니다.
크라운 리젠시는 필리핀 세부에 위치한 종합휴양시설로서 메인 호텔을 비롯, 다양한 테마의 리조트 및 구내시설
들로 구성되어 있습니다. "Discover the Best of Life & Pleasures"를 기업 좌우명으로 삼고 최상의 서비스를 위하여
아낌없이 투자하는 크라운 리젠시는 첨단 기술을 수용하여 서비스 향상을 위해 노력하며, 좌우명에 걸맞는 막대한
규모의 시설과 다양한 즐길거리를 갖춘 최상급 호텔입니다. 존 리츠는 크라운 리젠시의 협력사로서, 국내 호텔업계
의 발전을 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.
시티스케이프는 세계 최대 규모의 부동산 투자개발 박람회로서, 오는 15년에 열릴 예정인 시티스케이프 코리아는
동아시아권에서 열리는 세계 최대 규모의 부동산 투자개발 컨퍼런스입니다. 존 리츠가 대행하는 이번 시티스케이프
코리아에는 아시아권은 물론 중동, 유럽 등 세계 각국을 대표하는 부동산개발 사업자들과 투자자들이 한 자리에
모이는 거대 마켓 플랫폼이며, 글로벌 부동산 시정을 선도할 최신 개발 상품과 트랜드, 첨단 정보를 제공하는 컨퍼
런스 및 다양한 이벤트가 펼쳐질 것입니다.
인천 상공강화산단에서 시행, 현대엔지니어링에서 시공하는 강화일반산업단지는 인천광역시 강화군 강화읍 옥
림리, 월곳리 일원에 조성되는 거대 규모의 산업단지입니다. 강화일반산업단지는 식료품 제조업부터 섬유 제품
제조업, 모피 제품 제조업, 종이 및 종이 제품 제조업, 플라스틱 제품 제조업, 금속 가공 제품 제조업까지 다양한
산업체들이 들어설 계획이며, 이에 걸맞는 최적의 입지조건을 갖춘 산업단지입니다. 제 2 외곽순환도로 및 지방
도로의 확장으로 접근시간이 크게 단축되었으며, 인천국제공항 및 인천항과 연결된 최적의 인프라, 그리고 인근
에 들어선 대규모 신도시들로 인해 원활한 고급인력 수급이 가능합니다. 팀제이는 강화일반산업단지의 투자유치
대행을 맡고 있으며, 다양한 산업체들과의 접촉을 통하여 더욱 다양한 판매시장 전략을 구축할 것입니다.
상해 포모트 박람회 주식회사는 상하이에서 활동하는 거대 규모의 박람회 단체입니다. 해외자산&이주&투자 계열의
전문적인 정보를 제공하며, 그 규모를 매년 확장해 나가고 있습니다. 어수선하고 결함이 많은 요즈음의 시장 정보와
구별되는 고급 정보들을 제공하며, 수준 높은 외국인들에게 공정한 전문가가 되겠다는 모토를 가지고 매년 활발한
활동을 펼치고 있습니다. 팀제이는 상해 포모트 박람회 주식회사의 공식적인 에이전시이며, 매년 박람회에 참가하여
고품질의 정보들과 더불어 부동산 시장의 추세 및 정보를 계속해서 쌓아가고 있습니다.
천광역시 부평구에 위치한 부평역은 1호선과 인천지하철 1호선의 환승역으로서, 부평구 최대의 중심 상권지임과 동시에 대중교통망이 매우 발달된 교통의 요충지입니다.
하루 평균 유동인구 50만 명, 1,000여 개의 지하상가와 2,000여 개의 부평 민자역사 상가가 밀집되어 있습니다. 하지만 인근에 위치한 시장로터리 부흥 지하상가는 현재 250여 개의 점포가 위치하나, 부평역과의 원활한 동선망이 형성되어 있지 않은 까닭에 시간이 지날수록 폐점포수가 늘어나고 있는 추세입니다. 이에 부흥기업은 부흥 지하상가와 부평역 지하상가를 연결하는 신규 지하상가 건설 계획을 수립하였으며, 이는 차후 부평역의 상권을 강화시킴과 동시에 보다 원활한 교통망을형성하여 유동인구의 편의성을 증대시킬 전망입니다. 신축될 지하상가에는 160여 개의 점포가 들어설 계획이며,패션 및 디자인 마켓 등 다양한 점포가 들어설 계획입니다. 팀제이는 신축될 부평 지하상가의 PM사로서 맡은 바최선을 다하고 있습니다.

다음 언어를 번역: 한국어
다음 언어로 번역: 영어
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Team real estate residential and commercial facilities, and a themed estate's efficientFor the development of market research, marketing planning, business management consultation, postA comprehensive project management services performed to attract global investments out of the real estateVal company.=============================================Tim j. is the world's market economy to the changing real estate market in advanced know-how andHas extensive experience in creative and enterprising attitude of taste and the demandIncome, and observing the enemy attributes of Humanities market trends by newly detectedLuck items unearthed a variety of providers and partnership initiatives andEnforcement support, sales agency, is a global company to perform.Business success first and foremost the proposition by a rapidly changing real estate marketAccurately analyze, forecast and trust with you, the customerChallenge, transparency is responsible for real estate development and investment promotion with the AgencyPromises to continue to grow.========================================l CONCEPT lTo prepare the company for one columnl POSITIONING lA thorough research, investigation and rich practical experience, professional personnel and each with sectoral enterprises in order to maximize profitThe team from developing the property as know-how with the Jay group syndicated research, sales to rental and operations management IAt the same time pursuing the comprehensive real estate company.l SUPPORT lProfessional consulting and methodical and systematic business management to maximize revenue and investmentReasonable management.==================================Development projects can lead to success and that means a thorough investigation and research inTo establish the direction in which the development of valid, Choi prospects NEED to analyze the need of sufficient elements toAnalysis of reasonable development time and fill the decision making.Location and circumstances surrounding the conditions of flow analysis, census, and surveys, such as the primary commercialization reviewBased on comprehensive Feasibility analysis and through analysis, Marketing strategy and business planThe establishment of a business can be done, sungkok basic Planning and strategy.When it comes to running Marketing strategy for successful business in a consistent andThey can be persistent and systematically maintain core business strategies and a multifaceted sales strategy in parallel,Run by establishing rapid response strategy.===============================People's Republic of China real estate Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, is a sound business development and real estate development, developer was founded to improve the rights of the industry.People's Republic of China real estate Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, the real estate market both inside and outside the environment conditions for the transparent calls to improve the industry's market leadership in order to establish the main goal, and there are a number of real estate development between members can share data infrastructure is a prestigious real estate development association. People's Republic of China real estate Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong's confidence that John ReeseCan an official member.==================================Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel is a hotel in Hong Kong Sino Group 1 Castle Peak Road, the hotel is located on a huge scale. Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel is the best hotel service proportional to the scale and experience, Hong Kong representative of the businessHotel location the hotel is chopped. The hotel owns the Sino Group had three of my seven in Hong Kong, Singapore and my hotel is a huge running group, John Reese is the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel is the official agency of the negotiation, and domestic businessHotel in order to lead the market.======================================Incheon Hotels on the Gold Coast is a 2-minute walk from the station to Incheon Suin line district is located in a business hotel. Melbourne Casino and songdo international city, Southeast industrial complex in the heart of the global business, such as hotel, Casino's largest scholarship areaThe expected location offers international business hotel. In the future, the Casino and resort industry of People's Republic of China when the affluent would constantly pushed the demand Outlook for the assumed bright business hotel. Tim JayThe Gold Coast is the hotel's operator.======================================Crown Regency is located in the Republic of the Philippines-Cebu comprehensive recreation facilities, including the main hotel in the resort of various themes and on-site facilitiesConsists of. "Discover the Best of Life & Pleasures" companies as best service mottoGenerously accommodates State-of-the-art technology in a funded by the Crown Regency service improvement efforts, the motto, the vastIt offers first-class facilities and activities in a variety of sizes. John Reese is a partner of the Crown Regency, domestic hotel industryTo the development of.Cityscape is one of the world's largest real estate investment and development fair is scheduled to take place in the coming 15 years, as the city landscape in KoreaEast Asia is the world's largest real estate investment & Development held from the Conference. John Reese is the landscape of this cityKorea, the Middle East, Europe and around the world, including Asian, as well as representing the real estate development business and investors in one placeAssembling huge market platform, and the latest developments in products and leading global real estate visibility trend, high-tech information ConferenceReferences and various events will be out.=========================================Strengthen the enforcement in the mountains, the sky, Incheon, Korea Hyundai engineering construction strengthens the general industry to the Inchon-RI 4,634 jadeRIM, may place the giant-sized Member of the Erie industrial park. Strengthen the industrial manufacture of textiles from the groceryManufacturing, manufacture of paper and paper products manufacturing, fur products, plastic products manufacturing, metalworking products, a manufacturer of a wide range ofIndustry is planning to house the optimal location industrial complex. The second outer ring road and localAs an extension of the road approach to greatly reduce the time it takes, and the optimum infrastructure associated with the Incheon International Airport and Incheon, and the nearbySet in a large city due to seamless advanced workforce being decided. Tim j. strengthen industrial investment of justIn charge of the Agency, and in a variety of industries through contact with more sales and build market strategies.=====================================Shanghai Co., Ltd. in Shanghai Expo activities the Po to mort the huge scale of the fair Organization. Overseas property & emigration & investment DepartmentProvides professional information to expand every year. Many of these flawed market information eosuseonhagoProvides advanced information distinguishing, becoming an expert in a high level of foreigners have a fair motto every year activeWorldwide. Tim j. Astor House is the official agency of the Expo, an annual Emmett Expo by participating inThe trend of the real estate market with high-quality information and to continue developing the information.======================================Located in Bupyeong-gu 1000 1 and Incheon subway line 1 transfer station is Bupyeong station, not the center of the image and at the same time up to Bupyeong has very convenient traffic development. Average daily traffic of half a million people, over 1,000 underground shopping center with more than 2,000 Bupyeong history stores min-ja. But the revival of the roundabout at the nearby market, underground shopping center is currently located one of the 250 stores, Bupyeong station and is not therefore a smooth movement to explore the growing trend of closing over time, catcher. This revival the revival of businesses underground and Bupyeong station underground to connect the new underground shopping center construction plan, this is the future, and enhancing the image of Bupyeong station rather than a seamless transportation network by forming a floating population increase ease of use. Construction of the underground will be 160 shops plan House, fashion and design market is planned to House a variety of shops. The team will be the new Jay, Bupyeong underground undertaken as PM of the bar.================================
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
The reorganized its employees in residential and commercial real estate and real estate in the theme to develop an effective top
market research, marketing planning, implementation, and management, and business consulting business management and top
business comprehensively perform global real estate investment company, top
feet. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
or teams in the world of the market economy, the changes in real estate market in the advanced know-how and experience back to top
creative and forward-looking attitude of the consumer tastes and top
income,humanities and social sciences, such as nature of the market trends, to observe and detect new top
luck by finding products, and various providers and partnership for implementation of the project in progress and top
support, sales, and perform a comprehensive global company. back to top
back to top
business success as a top priority, and simple, rapidly changing real estate market by top
accurately analyze and predict and prepare always with you, Trust, top
challenge, transparency, responsible real estate development and investment agency, top
I assure you that will continue to grow. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
l CONCEPT l back to top
for one column for a company back to top
back to top
l l POSITIONING thorough study, research and rich with career professionals for departmental and corporate profit maximization or teams for this group back to top
the know-how from Real Estate Development Planning & Research, and post-sale lease operating management of the stage at the same time back to top
the pursuit of comprehensive real estate company. back to top
back to top
l l SUPPORTprofessional consulting and organized and systematic business management, investment profits by maximizing the creation operation-oriented and top
reasonable. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
development can lead to success he attributes to fit through a thorough research back to top
Choi valid development direction to establish and analyze NEED of potential customers need enough by elements of the top
fill the analysis and decision-making process when appropriate development. back to top
location analysis, and population surveys,conditions and survey through the first feasibility review through the top
based on this analysis, and comprehensive Feasibility investigate Marketing strategy and business plan, establish back to top
, sex, business can be performed and base Planning strategies. back to top
execution stage, the business successfully lead Marketing strategy for consistent, top
persistent and systematic so that you can maintain the core business strategy and multi-faceted sales strategy at the same time, top
Rapid Response to establish the run. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
China, Hong Kong Real Estate Chamber of Commerce and Industry and healthy development of the real estate development industry developer for improving rights of founding. back to top
China, Hong Kong Real Estate Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the real estate market consolidation for transparency around leading environmental conditions improve, to establish an industry's market order the main goal is to have, andThe members of the real estate development information that enables them to share infrastructure to construct the authority of the real estate development association. John Lee, China, Hong Kong, real estate Chamber of Commerce back to top
can trust the official is a member of top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, that belong to the group as a hotel located in Hong Kong 1 Castle peak load, the large-scale hotel. Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel is proportional to the size of many of the experience and the best hotel services, showing off,Hong Kong's position as a leading business top
hotel with hotel. The hotel owns a group, Hong Kong, too, seven, Singapore my three hotel bargains to a huge group, and John Lee, a Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel discussing the official agencies, and local business top
hotel market in order to lead. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
Gold Coast Hotel Incheon Incheon certificate selection can be a Station, Walk 2 minutes walk to a business hotel. Back to top
Youngjong Island casino and Songdo International City, southeast industrial complexes in the center of the global business, the hotel casino to be the biggest beneficiary is expected to top
geographical advantage, which has an international business hotel. The casino and resort industry is activated, the Chinese tourists some extra demand is presumed to be constantly flooded the prospect bright business hotel.The reorganized its employees back to top
Gold Coast Hotel operating company. Top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
crown Regency is located in Cebu, the Philippines as a comprehensive recreation facilities including the main hotel, a variety of themes and the resort facilities compound back to top
composed. "Discover The Best Of Life Á Pleasures" would make the corporate motto for best service back to top
freely into the cutting-edge technology, Crown regency accepted efforts in order to improve service, andmotto that fit the size of the facilities and a variety of huge top
enjoy at the finest Hotel. John Lee, the crown regency of the partners, the development of domestic sectors top
working. back to top
city of Cape is the world's largest Real Estate Investment and Development exhibition, which is scheduled to take place in 15 years, the city of Cape Korea back to top
east Asia in the world's largest Real Estate Investment and Development Conference. John Lee, Gates, the city, acting cape top
Korea, the Middle East, as well as Asian countries from all over the world including Europe, leader of a group of real estate development business and investors are ready to top
gathering platform and huge market correction, global real estate development that will lead the latest products and strand, and high-tech information, fir, and back to top
that will also offer various events. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The top
Incheon strengthen over the mountain in a Hyundai Engineering and Construction in the general Industrial Complex is strengthening its Incheon Ganghwa town OK top
Rim, 2005, where a member of the huge amount of industrial complexes. Strengthening the general industrial food manufacturing and textile top
manufacturing, fur product manufacturing, paper and paper products manufacturing, plastics products manufacturing, metal processing product manufacturing industries to be built back to top
range and is, its optimal location is equipped with a complex. The second outer beltway and local roads back to top
an extension of the approach to time would be reduced, andThe Incheon International Airport and the port of Incheon and the associated optimal infrastructure, and large-scale new town near top
the supply and demand of skilled labor can be smooth. The general industrial Structural Superfluities strengthening investment top
acting, and various industries through contact with more extensive sales market strategy will build. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
Shanghai Expo, Mott Corporation is working in Shanghai, a huge amount of fair sprung up.á Á investment overseas assets, an affiliate of top
technical information, the amount of which cleared out a year. And my workroom many defects in these days of market information and top
apart from their high-level information, and high-level experts to foreigners becoming a fair motto, active top
with their activities every year. The Shanghai Expo, Structural Superfluities, Mott Co. , Ltd, and the official agencies, fair every year attended top
With high-quality information of the real estate market trends and information continue to piling up. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
Incheon Metropolitan City located in Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, and Bupyeong Station on line 1 of the Subway Line 1 of the transfer station, the center of the commercial district, Bupyeong-gu and transit system at the same time the traffic is very advanced nestled. Back to top
per day on average 500000 floating population, 1,000 of 2,000 underground and train station of Bupyeong shops are densely.However, underground shopping center is located in the vicinity of the current reconstruction market Rotary 250 stores the location of the Bupyeong, envy, formed smooth, therefore the time passes shops closed, there is a growing trend. The revival of the underground shopping center and corporate revival Bupyeong Station to connect to the Underground Shopping Center plans to build new Underground Mall, and establishment ofThis is the future of the Bupyeong Station to strengthen commercial and smooth traffic than formed floating population increase ease of shaping up. The underground will be building 160 stores to be built and fashion and design Shopping plans various branches to be built. The Bupyeong or teams will be built as a living PM underground mall the best. back to top
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = top
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